
So how about telling guys not to ply women with alcohol until they pass out? And how about reminding guys that if she can’t consent, it’s rape? It would be nice if these guys put some of the responsibility on men to act like decent human beings instead of on the women to avoid getting raped.

That comes right after, “Women shouldn’t go to college anyway.”

chop them off

His next advice - Just don’t be a woman.

“Don’t go to parties where there’s a lot of alcohol.”

Maybe they think women are all cheating on their partners (*with men of other races* faints), and are trying to cover up their super sluttiness by aborting the “evidence”.

So what?? Women should be under no obligation to give reasons for why they want an abortion. If this garbage passes, women will just lie about the reason anyway and call it a day. It’s completely nonsensical and a waste of time. It’s pure anti-choice propaganda disguised as legislation.

Lol I just wrote something similar. Like I just DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Are we supposed to believe that two hispanic people have sex and then the woman gets pregnant and she’s running to the doctor like “I cannot give birth to a hispanic baby! ABORT THIS DEMON.”

“Between 40 and 50 percent of all African-American babies are killed before they’re born. A Hispanic child is three times more likely to be aborted than a white child.”