there’s a whole generation that never saw the classic trilogy in theaters if at all.
there’s a whole generation that never saw the classic trilogy in theaters if at all.
I think they could’ve done all those things with a new story instead of a retread, practically beat-for-beat, of the first movie George gave us. That’s the thing that rankles me the most: J.J. was fucking lazy and unimaginative.
they had to remind everyone what the originals WERE...
But have a poignant death like . . . Leia? Too soon?
There actually is one right by Dulles airport. I didn’t even know was there until I flew over it but Dulles is still about 30 miles from Alexandria.
I could see TWD ‘Alexandria’ being more of a gated community pre-apocalypse that is well outside the main urban area of the real Alexandria, like how gate communities often borrow the names of nearby cities and such.
I mean no matter what it’s going to look like the area of GA they film in so it’s not like it really matters. I work 20 miles out from DC and live about 40 out and you still need to go another 10 to 15 to get to a rural like area they show. If there running around so much they should be coming across more highways,…
There is no way show Alexandria is anywhere near real world Alexandria.
So that’s a no to Luke being a goofy space wizard/Gandalf? Because I’d like to see Rey & Luke go on a convoluted side mission out of a sword and sorcery playbook. Noble space pirate adventures with Ray, Luke & Chewbacca that vaguely advance the storyline while the Fin & Poe Bromance heats up in the trenches during the…
You, you are the best of us. Balanced critique and an eye to the future.
I just want someone—anyone—involved with Episode VIII to come out and say, “don’t worry, we heard the criticisms and we’re not just remaking ‘Empire.’”
You were not. Considering how often some of the writers take a dig at it though, I have to wonder if the “cool” kids are on the Marvel backlash wagon now.
“Doctor Strange was a perfectly serviceable and forgettable movie that isn’t on anyone’s “must watch” list”
It felt to me like they were planning another 5-episode arc like Children of Earth, and then when they partnered with the Starz Network they were asked to expand it. So much of it felt thinned out and padded. Not to mention the idea of a large quasi-organic pole inside the Earth from China to South America that’s…
I think it was mostly the wasted opportunity that hurt so badly. There was some imaginative stuff in Miracle Day and it had a very good cast. But the writing was often poor and the story simply had no idea what to do with Jack, which is pretty dire when he’s the main character. I thought the plot the story turned on…
Wow. This opinion rattles me to my core.
I’ve seen every Torchwood episode except for the Miracle Day season. Thanks io9!
He was in 2 movies in 1987... Thor in Adventures in Babysitting and Private ‘Pyle’ in Full Metal Jacket.
And Elizabeth Shue was at the height of her cuteness back then before becoming the great adult actress she became.