
I’m not sure why the idea of crafting a long-term strategy is such a hard pill to swallow. Rolling over has done Dems no favors. I mean, how have they benefited at all in these times? Putting their foot down and making a record upon which they can rely later on isn’t crazy and not rolling over on people like Ryan

It’s simple, he’s the minority leader because they don’t win more elections because he’s the minority leader.

A failed brand needs a mediocrity like him for maximum synergy. 

A question that needs to be asked every single day: Why is Chuck Schumer minority leader?

Why Are Democrats Poised to Let 7 Trump-Nominated Judges Slide to Confirmation?

Incorrect. Blogs did not kill print journalism.

Somewhat related but I’d love to know how much money the NYT spends on garbage employees such as Peggy Noonan, David Brooks, Friedman etc. There’s a reason no one reads these papers anymore.

Well I just can’t believe that an organization owned by Michael Bloomberg would go soft on the financial sector.

The single biggest mistake of the Obama Administration was to let bankers walk away from the hot mess they’ve created with barely a slap on the wrist. My folks keep that in mind for the next time someone releases an Eric Holder for Preznit trial balloon in the wild.

Why should he fake liking the guy he obviously didn’t? It’s not “nice” but it is honest, in his own way.

If only Bernie Sanders supporters were woke enough to vote for the not racist lady that called black kids “super predators.”  

Given that Clinton won by 4 million regular votes, I don’t see how anyone honestly can claim superdelegates had any real impact on the election.

Here’s an idea. This is a little out there, so bear with me:

“As a so-called superdelegate myself, I feel this is the best path forward…It is exactly the kind of change we have to make, not just to strengthen our candidates, but to strengthen the view of the Democratic Party among its core group of voters, which is young Americans.”

God, this is such a tired fucking take. Never mind that Sanders ‘16 voters were significantly more likely to support Hillary than Hillary ‘08 voters were to support Obama. Never mind that Gary Johnson voters wayyyy outnumbered Stein voters in every single battleground state, meaning that Trump was even more “harmed”

What guy are you worried about being?   The Fucking Idiot?   Sadly you are that guy.   Bernie supporters voted for Hillary at a higher rate than Hillary supporters voted for Obama.   Try getting a fact in your thick skull you dumbass.  

This dude is so thirsty the Pacific Ocean is looking over its shoulder.

Yeah, I’m sure this sleazy ambulance chaser just suddenly became a liberal darling, and isn’t at all an opportunistic grifter.  

Can’t have something that might allow consumers to have lower medical bills!

Carper did support a watered down version of a public plan, but he refused to support the full version because, he asserted at the time, “it would give the government an unfair advantage in the marketplace by allowing it to negotiate prices initially based on Medicare.”