
Thanks for capitalsplaining socialism for the lefties! You clearly know what Krueger wants better than she does because she’s clearly too stupid to understand what socialism is and what the modern American left wants American socialism to be moving forward.

I work 3rd shift in a warehouse as a second job and theres an important little bit that’s getting missed. The PR person mentioned these people are employees that have “been around long enough to know how it really is”. So that means they’re amazon (or whatever logistics company runs the warehouse) employees. They’re

Riiight. Most companies nowadays offer these “benefits.” You just have to ruin yourself trying to make the bonus, the money for the stock comes out of your paycheck, and these mysterious college tuition programs almost always require that you’ve worked for a year and depending on the company, will only pay for courses

How is it that, in a sea of politicians, that the democrats have apparently no one who’s not old as fuck who they want to shine the light on?

She’s so right about the socks. DVT (ddeo vein thrombosis) is nothing to mess with. Spend a few bucks and make sure your socks have graduated compression, which means they fit tighter in the lower portions than the top. I like the CEP brand. Their site has a tom of useful info. Good luck!

Not at all, happy to answer. They are said to help prevent blood clots, which may form in your legs during long periods of sitting like that. I know two people who have died in the last year from blood clots that started in the legs and moved to the brain — one recovering from a simple broken ankle — and it’s been

Trust me, as a fellow fit person, everything is just a long con to be able to post pictures of yourself without a shirt on.

Saving my money up for I Will Fight You In This Denny’s, You Kompromat Traitor: A Life Defending My Woman’s Honor by Eric Garland.

You assume people don’t do that.

Less than half his age?

This is like the Tea Party saying they weren’t really Republicans

The Green Party is not the left wing of the Democratic Party; it is its own party.

Very hot take: We’re all actually going to die because Democrats spend all their time complaining about progressive boogeymen instead of examining why after controlling Congress for 40 years party leadership has been on a 20+ year losing streak that was only briefly interrupted when running a black candidate who

No party or candidate is owed a vote from anyone. If Democrat candidates want to get more votes then the onus is on them, always and forever, to go out and make the case among more people for voting for them. Sadly that is something the Democrats are very bad at. What do they stand for? Saying “Not Republican” just is

Al Gore won Florida.

Agreed, the US Green Party is a sham populated mostly by weirdos and assholes and it makes a mockery of the otherwise good name that party has been able to build in some other countries. There’s no reason to pay them any mind whatsoever.

This is a Very Good Take.

Ok now you’re just trolling the dipshits in the comments and I am here for it. 

Liberal votes do not by default belong to Democrats. Ralph Nader did not lose Florida for Al Gore. Al Gore lost Florida for Al Gore, and so on and so forth. If somebody ran as a socialist, ran as a communist, damn right I’d vote for them.