
Yeah, I guess some people didn't grow up randomly stumbling upon tentacle genitals, K9 porn, and transformations into animals that result in one of the guys becoming pregnant... I'm not sure I know how to relate to these people.

This might be the best KA stand mixer acquisition story I've ever heard! That's a good friend you've got there.

I had an incredibly unfortunate ER story happen about a month ago. So this guy I used to work with was moving from San Diego to Arizona, and he insisted that I come out to Pacific Beach that night and party with him and his friends. I reluctantly agreed, I hate PB, but I knew it was my last chance to make good on all

Forget rankings and look at job placement statistics. Southwestern might be worth it with scholarship money + lower cost of living (I assume, if you're living near home?), but west coast schools outside of Stanford and Berkeley (and even then) will not have good job placement in DC, if that's where you want to work.

Where do you want to live (and take the bar) afterwards? It will be easier to find a job in LA/West Coast if you go to school there, and it will be easier to find a job in DC/East Coast if you go to school there.