Belden Fox

I was born and raised just west of Billings. When I was 14 we went to a family reunion in North Dakota and that was the first time I went east of Billings, or even considered going east of Billings, or even had the concept of "east of Billings" enter my head. Which made sense once I saw it.

Pronounced "byoot", as in the geologic feature, basically a small mesa. The crazy part is the Berkeley Pit (Google it), not the name.

His family moved to Idaho when he was less than a year old. He just likes saying he's from Missoula because it sounds funny (hint: Mizoola).

If the game developers have done their homework the religious cult will be from out of state. The Montana Freemen may have been home-grown but not the Church Universal and Triumphant.

Providing a general Google search doesn’t exactly advance your cause. After the top five hits it pretty much devolves into an echo chamber of Dan Savage haters.

Then you should have no problem providing links to the relevant blog posts.

I've listened to Dan for many years and don't recall him saying anything of the sort about asexuals. He has observed that sometimes an asexual person will enter into a relationship with a more sexual person under false pretenses and that based on the calls and letters he gets this happens often enough that it's worth

Milan's wife is a different old lady. She is a revenant and we first get a good look at her in the scene where Toni dies at the end of season 1. Serge also delivered food to her in Revenant Town at the beginning of season 2. I'm assuming the woman who was praising Milan was taken in by his "law and order" story 35

My thoughts exactly. Vito Russo must be spinning in his grave. Why wasn't this trope called out? Have we moved past "The Celluloid Closet" or are we still catching up to it?