
For about 5 minutes, yes.

I always loved Peter's self-deprecating sense of humor in the comic. His life was kind of a train wreck, but at least he could see the funny side of it.

Actually there was a recent statement denying that Thompson was a love interest. I hope that's true, because I really want to see him end up with Sif. They're great together.

I liked In the Heart of the Sea. I thought he was excellent in that. And he was well reviewed for Rush, too, though I haven't seen that one yet.

I'm actually beginning to sympathize with Loki. His brother is clearly too dumb to be king. First he puts Loki in charge of Asgard despite his lengthy record of treachery, then he just lets Loki go free at the end even though he started the war and tried to kill Thor! The God of Thunder is definitely short a few

I initially hoped this show would be an improvement on the other current Marvel cartoons, most of which are unwatchable, but sadly it seems GOTG isn't much better. As with those other series, the writing is sloppy and the plots are sketchy. The characters do look and talk very much like their movie counterparts,

I guess it all depends on whether Anthony Hopkins is willing to come back!

You're not alone.

If this isn't in the movie I'm gonna be VERY disappointed!!

Yes, yes, and YES! Enough Jane & Darcy, give us more Sif & Warriors Three. (And Amora would be awesome.)

"He was starting to overstay his welcome."

Except those movies are a looonngg way off, and needed to be teased/set up in this one. A tiny cameo would not have made people "tired" of Loki, just served to remind them that he's A) still alive and B) integral to the plot of at least one upcoming movie, and maybe more.

Don't forget Stargate! Half the fun of that show for me was looking for familiar Vancouver landmarks in what was supposed to be Washington DC and other US cities.

Thought so. The trees looked wrong, and suspiciously there were no wide shots.

Mack has been the glue holding this team together. May is too aloof and Coulson too preoccupied with his own issues, so it all fell on Mack's shoulders. They need to repay him by rescuing him or at least determine whether or not he's really dead. But in the meantime his absence does leave a large gap in the team

Or to use a more current analogy, Rocket and Groot.

I hope he survives but one nifty thing that his (hopefully) temporary absence does is force Fitz and Simmons together. You recall that scene on the Bus where Mack was literally a buffer zone between the two of them? That's gone now. They've got to confront what's happened to their friendship.