
And then some go A, B,C D DD, E, F, FF,G,GG, etc. In that system an F is bigger than a DDD.

I am somewhat surprised to have scored 9 of 10.

OK, this is the comment that made me feel shittier... because, if it honestly is one of those days where you don't have money, or the energy to even get out of the house... then RT'ing a petition on twitter, sharing a pic/quote on Facebook, or whatever is still more than nothing. Is it a big major significant thing?

There are times when I have no money, in addition to little time. Or days where I can't do much from health issues. To look at me, you'd probably not think I'm sick- but there are times when "slacktivism" is honestly all I can do. When I can do more, I usually try to- but even on good days I have to be careful. Now,

Ditto here. But now I really want someone to actually write this "Forest of Fascinators" blog. It sounds fascinating.

My first cat, Puffy, was active and slim, but had no interest in hunting. I had painted turtles he'd just calmly watch walk around. If a bird got in the house, he was terrified.

My thought on the UK Etsy lady with her feathered headdress is that the thing honestly looks almost as much South Slavic as Native American. I am trying to figure out which way to be offended by this- that she has appropriated my culture- or that she thinks she appropriated a different one.

No wonder the poor guy was tense beforehand, as he obviously had to go quite urgently.

I often have to ignore Morrissey's comments to continue liking his music.

Aside from my coughs not being fake, the asthma can also make it hard for me to "jog ahead" too.

Oh yeah, I'll try to take as deep a breath as possible (difficult in itself) and hold it while walking by the smoker, because if I dare to cough they will definitely show disdain toward me!

@Alohamaid: Ah. Maybe this explains why even though I lost over 20 pounds after stopping the pill, my boobs have not shrunk at all. Lost weight like literally everywhere else, when the boobs is what I was really upset about- getting so sweaty under them I got zits, ugh. But, no, I couldn't end up with a manageable,

I love how Joel Stein not only insults the Indians, but Italians, too. Nice.

Midol never did much of anything for me. And that guy does nothing for me either, so maybe it would be fitting to take Midol for him.

I never cease to be amazed at how the Olsen twins manage to look even shorter than they are.

I think she looks as amazing as anyone can in a dress that belongs in an article titled "80's Prom Nightmares."

@LaComtesse: Yes, that nun is relatively cute. I might even want to join her little BDSM convent.