
Your lack of understanding and nuance is the worst of America.

we’re supposed to not only giggle along but get on board with praising their lazy-ass fucking mediocre comedy as “genius” because white women get to feel good about themselves when they talk about the trials of being blonde, white and from wealthy families, but just not having enough conventional attractiveness game.

When she aced that outside/near-net serve I knew she’d dig herself out of the game.

Jean Dujardin + David Strathairn had a baby?

Yes. Fuck Girls, where’s her Goldman Sach internship?

I am excited. I feel good about what we did yesterday; however, I think Japan is stronger mentally and will be more prepared.

I gave to Sanders this weekend. Are you donating?

Huckleberry can’t resist a man in uniform.

Make it happen Ava. No need to wait for others.

“rhetoric”? What a peculiar and emotional reaction. I’ve only seen that word deployed against blacks by whites. It’s very Don Lemony.

Nah. White folks are trying to make a terrorist look like someone like you. You should not EVER be on that side.

BOOM. This is why I’m always disturbed by the magnanimous forgiveness blacks are forced to/ have trained themselves to perform.

He looks like the product of Guy and Sammy Hagar.

FIFA made the call and they got stubborn (probably a bribe by the turf-producer).

White girls have said that to me before.

What candida-filled cooze. I hope your dad had an affair.

How fucking short dick mommy issue must someone be to do that?

I thought Henry Fonda was dead?

I had to end a friendship with someone who read whatever that black-cover red-letter PUA book was hot a few years ago.

2 different white women on 2 separate occasions marveled that I was reading a book on the French Revolution. I’m 38 years old. “Wow! That’s impressive!”