Was the guy speaking Klingon? He said what he meant IN ENGLISH.
Was the guy speaking Klingon? He said what he meant IN ENGLISH.
Recognize the flag?
You don’t need all that makeup!!
I thought I was losing my everloving mind. Custom shirts = work. Time off dr appt work at home = tshirt and cargo pants.
I don’t like asking people for scraps. They will invariably mess up the character.
That’s my favorite. Even though Seu singing Bowie made me faint, all he did was sing. Waris Ahluwalia barely spoke.
English boy, do fuck off. Don Lemon has been dissected on this blog for quite some time.
Citrus *good day*
This isn’t Jiffy Lube?
Engagement rings are gifts. There is no obligation to give it back - especially AFTER a marriage.
Show me when this happened to a white girl.
Rape? What the fuck does that have to do with this blackface-wearing cooze?
And throw them under the bus by setting them up as the boogeyman, while sidestepping their culpability.
A banker, ginger and pale as hell belittled my dad while I sat there as he was just trying to ask about overdraft fees.
She didn’t zig when you thought she would zag. She threw a hand grenade at you and tap-danced on your entrails.
I can’t even make a witty response to this. Bless your heart (the sincere way, not the condescending way).
You beat me. I was going to go with Helga from Germany goes to the Dominican Republic.