
Watch Unforgivable Blackness.

We used to love that song in 4th grade. Ignorance notwithstanding...

You sound like me. In fact, I think I’ve said that.

I work near L’Enfant

Just scrolled through, the Tennis Court!!

Shamfucking wow. We had to read a book before the semester started.

I’m a black woman. Clinton employed the Southern Strategy in 08. I’m not really feeling much.

It’s always baseball fans.

Keanu’s Esspanyall was the perfect capstone: VAHYA CON DIAZ

as a non coach (and Chelsea fan) isn’t the point to win?

Your dad is the one that married her though...

My mom was a teacher. Those motherfuckin brownies and cookies were awesome!! Love the SAH gotta show I’m teh bestest mama gifts!

I get that Skinner wanted to have a laugh, but I would rather s/he had said, “Ms. Macintosh has a sheddy uterus ‘cause girl and gets thirsty from time to time.”

Kabocha. It’s a squash and fucking awesome.

I used to eat those by the bag.

Somebody who allegedly lived in Japan would have the real number one

She’ll be 80 when they’re 15. She’s leaving them to her other children daughters to raise in addition to their own children. This is sick.

The right wing has obliterated that system for ever-increasing sentences.

Good point. I wouldn’t want to treat them....but they’re incompetent and should not be mothers.

That is just...I don’t know what to say.