
Not to defend them, but other modern vehicles have external cameras which also start recording after sensing any type of movement. Having Tesla’s name in the headline just guarantees more clicks.

Dateland AZ is a mandatory stop on the drive to PHX to visit family. Last visit I got a large shake on the way there AND on the way back.

I’ve seen the “industrial-size” containers of Thrifty ice cream at Smart & Final - a local warehouse style grocery chain in my area. The only flavors they seem to carry are French Vanilla, Neapolitan, and Mint & Chip.  

Or work, when available.

I plan on buying a new vehicle sometime during 2024. One of two things is going to happen:

I imagine a fair amount of people hear the word “Biden” and just dismiss any other words in the text of the Inflation Reduction Act wholesale.

Who would have thought the depiction of that scene is completely possible and probable in real life 30 years later.

Can anyone please explain how a Saab dealer still exists - particularly in the USA.  

The amount of disinformation concerning EV charging is astounding. An acquaintance of mine actually told me that they have an unused 220v outlet in their garage but can’t afford to install an EVSE?! Same person told me that EVs were too expensive and ended up with a Challenger optioned up to $71K.

But - the laptop.

This is why the Model Y is currently the best-selling vehicle on the planet - no typical dealer nonsense.

If you can’t find Laura Scudder’s, Costco’s KS Organic All Natural PB is a reasonable facsimile of it.

When he got to the car rental counter, there was a line 10 deep of people livid with anger. The agency had no more gasoline fueled cars, only Tesla Model 3's”.

Before anyone makes a comparison to Action Park, the possible design flaw(s) Fury 325 has is most likely unintentional, whereas such flaws on the attractions at AP were considered a feature.

Please cite your source for Balloon Fight ever selling for $70 - with no “accounting for inflation from then to now” nonsense.

My YouTube Premium account doesn’t show ads. Maybe I’m special ;-)

FYI: the link shows them currently selling for $40

Dad’s ‘86 Ford Tempo 4-cyl (engine by Mazda, I believe).

Cops gonna cop.

  • A VW dealership in the midwest thinking they can get $10k ADM on a fucking iD4.”