Belated Comebacker

Hah! That's a great loophole, enough of a cheat to make sense, while displaying plenty of knowing winks.

Yes, I believe that's about right.

Of course they have. Welcome to the Internet!

Okay, you got me. I suppose other people saw him in other projects, and thought he could pull it off effectively. After all, they recast Dodanna, so it's possible getting another actor might've worked, especially if you put him in a hologram, or another type of distortion.

Plus the relationship between him and Galen might've helped as well. It seems like they've been friends for a while, if that flashback was any indication.

I wonder if it helps to have a micromanaging director (like David Fincher) to help rein in some of his…choices. He was pretty darn effective in "Panic Room."

Exactly. It probably would've crossed the line from poorly done to outright laughable, but damnit! You've put the idea in my head, and it won't move.

Yeah, I would have been okay if we never saw Vader, or any of the other references to Episode IV. After all, the Empire's big enough without needing to inject their brass for everything (looking at you, Mr. Tarkin.)

What's odd about that is how the stormtrooper that Yen took hostage as a human shield took a few blasts to the chest without getting shot straight through. So I guess it has some imperviousness to it (that and, as the EU sez: They can take glancing shots, but not head-on shots).

"One solution might have been to make Jyn Erso an actual bad person, a true criminal."

That was my feeling regarding Vader too. Yes, he's the Emperor's right hand, but this is a galaxy-spanning fascist outfit, right?

Oola too.

That'd be a helluva claim.

While I didn't agree with showing Vader as unstoppable Terminator (do we need this much flagrant fan service?), that was a good moment for the Rebel.

From his point-of-view, the high ground is evil!

I would actually be okay with that, especially if they took some of "Enemy of the Empire" as inspiration for the story.

Might explain why he sort of plays second fiddle to Tarkin in "Hope." He wasn't able to take care of that.

As soon as he summoned Krennic?

Third time's the charm, eh? (Insofar as blowing up a Death Star goes, one hopes)

I liked the tank attack sequence. As I said elsewhere (The Solute), having Jedha be Space Afghanistan was a really neat idea, and definitely added some real-world context to this silly little space opera world we're used to seeing.