so much for the tolerant Right
so much for the tolerant Right
he might have settled because a he said/she said case is nearly fucking impossible to win.
actually the investigation, as such as there was one, already ended.
weren't there a couple of other women on the set who said nothing happened?
she's been playing drums for 10 years and still sucks that badly at it? New career time lady
welp, 10 years down the drain
God has the worst spokespeople, except for that one Jewish guy about 2000 years ago
Vinyl EP?
C'mon, Pixels was worse than Child 44.
is he still a thing?
I know the statute of limitations has expired for prosecuting Josh, but what obstruction of justice for Ma and Pa Duggar? Or a suicide pact?
But without his paycheck, he'll soon be wearing… nothing at all, nothing at all.
that I would watch
is Short Round ok?
Let me throw in my own guess: the ghost of Red Foxx
so the scene where Ackroyd dreams the ghost is blowing him? Um, so if McCarthy is in the Ackroyd role? Which ghost is going downtown on that?
What a piece of crap, yes Gary Sinise, your wife died, we heard about it 15 times in the first twenty minutes, stop bringing it up and wipe off the eye liner too. I was subbing in 2000 and the teacher left this for the kids to watch which meant I watched it four times in a single day. I really earned that $71.00.
I can't form an opinion until Kenny Loggins weighs in.
This is worse that than time Family Guy visited the Simpsons (cut scene for flashback)