
Perhaps the general population finds the name misleading, but I have to think that’s because they completely misunderstand how the system’s namesake actually works in airplanes. Pilots are never supposed to become inattentive with autopilot engaged, and some horrific plane crashes have occurred when they did—planes

Seems to me that the same logic should apply to anyone who intentionally straps themselves into a glass and steel box full of gasoline and rockets down the highway.

Isn’t there some way we could use blockchain technology to create a meta blockchain that creates some consensus for an authoritative valuation? Or would that undermine any anonymity associated with crypto-currency exchanges?

Keep in mind that this was the era when anything nuclear was cool. They worked in nuclear artillery, mortars, even a nuclear bazooka! It’s like blockchain is now. They’re just trying to combine it with everything, haha.

That’s because the command is: gmvault sync

Well actually, I read the article because I know that I have implicit biases—that I might not realize how those biases affect my behavior, and some clues as to when I’m...oops.

In principle, after we ditch the man and their bullshit laws, I can finally start slashing the tires on the ungodly loud trucks that the neighborhood meth-heads like to rev, repeatedly interrupting my restful, Podunk-town slumber.

Wouldn’t a lot of those statistical analysis data be somewhat moot if (and I don’t know that this is the case) the study was not a random sample at all, but a sample of ALL Tesla crashes between the date that Autosteer was installed and the time of the report?

I think the comment was meant to raise the question: “Is this new position really meant to help the community and reward Popsey or is it somebody’s solution for getting him out of the way?”

I would bet that no one who tempered their goals in order to be “realistic” ever likely effected a revolution.