
“Marvel doesn’t want to upset the kiddies.”

I read that in a pretty dead-pan Ben Affleck voice, and it was perfect.

Ben Affleck: “Yeah, Zack Snyder really wanted me to understand Bruce Wayne on a personal level. So one day, I walk onto set and... this was really funny... he had invited my parents down to do a set visit. They toured the set a little bit, met with the rest of the cast, and Snyder showed them some of the dailies that

Let me tell you something ... whenever I think I’m looking at a chocolate chip cookie and it turns out to be fucking raisins ... I’m looking for revenge!

there is nothing worse then eating what you think is a chocolate chip cookie and finding out its raisin.

It wouldn’t be the first time a... uhhh... ~renowned~ author railed on Bricken demanding to know “WHOSE RESPONSIBLE THIS?!?”

Cross-universe dance off with Starlord?

movie was terrible, 2 reasons to watch Jeff Goldblum and Data.

Now playing

Maybe Sansa knew idiot Jon Snow would pull a Leeroy Jenkins?

Excellent points! I’d also point out that the TROPE of fridging is bad. But you don’t need to dismiss whole stories because they use one bad trope.

Made this point elsewhere, but Krypton exploding isn’t part of Superman’s origin, which is what makes him such an interesting character. He didn’t need to have his parents (or Uncle Ben) die to decide that crime was bad and become a hero - he’s a hero simply because it’s the right thing to do.

Sometimes Pa Kent tells Superman that he should have let a schoolbus full of children sink into a lake, resulting in dozens of deaths.

I think the Incredible Hulk movie handled the origin very well. If you’re going to include it, include it as a montage during the opening credits.

Sony has the ultimate authority. But we have deferred the creative lead to Marvel, because they know what they’re doing.

I was shocked (Shocked I tell you!) not to see him on the list. And I love me some Gorilla Grodd, too, but King Shark...

By far the best moment in Arrow’s entire run is when Ollie realizes that sometimes you just wanna punch people that are really far away.

“...and maybe Legends of Tomorrow was a little goofy”

And for us old people who were kids in the 70s and 80s... these shows are the greatest superhero television ever by comparison. Good god the crap we had to watch to get our superhero fix :(

You know what would have been better? If they just introduced a new character named Pamela Isley. Because, honestly, naming Poison Ivy “Ivy Pepper” was kind of stupid in the first place, so just make it so she wasn’t Poison Ivy and someone else is. That way, there’s no squicky implications.