
forgettable, forgettable, forgettable, forgettable x 100, forgettable.

christ, is this still on? i stopped after the vamps had such shitty aim with those tongues.

because his dialogue is repetitive shite. lazy writing.

i like jeffrey dean but he had far too much repetitive, smirking dialogue in this episode. a gleeful maniac shouldn't be boring.

goddamn that sounds disgusting.

i wish kiefer had been killed and everybody else lived. or maybe they can merge this with falling water and make it all a dream and then he shoots himself. as long as keifer dies, i'm good.

one and done!

sliding towards meh. like orphan black, a terrific lead and great first season, but that's very hard to maintain.

this show is mostly stupid as hell, but the zesty cussing is hilarious. walt goggins makes anything better.

The reason it had to be 6-6 is because with any other split the judge would have sent them back to continue deliberations. Ask around.

true detective w/o the pretension

can't get into this show. just throws stupid shit in there to appeal to 12 year old boys. haha oh yeah it's a comic.

before any of that, biden interrupted thomas just as he was about to unwittingly contradict his own previous testimony that he never once discussed roe v wade which occurred WHILE HE WAS IN LAW SCHOOL. biden was a fucking pussy and thomas was a fucking liar.

larry david is a comedian first and funny trumps all.

It was a lousy episode and Trump is an orangutoid moron, but Larry David shouting at Trump was great. SNL had to address that stupid offer (and it was stupid) and Larry was the perfect person to take them up on it because of his persona and because he really believes it.

and the film stunk. terrible script.

that nightmare before christmas dude is a pretentious bore. lol we need to shoot a comedy of manners on film to preserve the artistic vision. jesus henry christ.

i didn't see him up there. he dresses pretty slobby, though.

what an ugly dress. looked like something a 6 year old would wear to a tea party/funeral

i enjoyed the scene with stifler's mom.