Sure! Oh and tell your daughter not to worry about playing stupid for boys, because the stepsister met her future husband in college and he's an engineer too. Not that it means it's a Cinderella story or anything, but - never downplay yourself :)
Sure! Oh and tell your daughter not to worry about playing stupid for boys, because the stepsister met her future husband in college and he's an engineer too. Not that it means it's a Cinderella story or anything, but - never downplay yourself :)
Fresh produce doesn't stay fresh for that long, the 'quick, cheap and easy' options get boring, and the preparation and cooking can take hours. Not to say a vegan person is a classist asshole, but people with limited income, access to produce, and time to prepare meals are just not finding veganism as feasible. The…
My partner's stepsister is an almost six foot tall, pretty blonde woman who did cheerleading in high school and graduated with above a 4.0 because she took college classes, (as the story goes I don't know the specifics of how she got such high grades except she worked herself into the ground to do it) and then when on…
Old aviation tale from my time working in aviation maintenance in the military is that if you were going down, a woman's voice would be the last one you would want to hear. We used to call her 'Bitching Betty'. So many layers of old school thinking to that one but I thought it may be an interesting tidbit.
Lol, keep all that stuff! I lost my abuela not long ago, and I love every old piece of weird chunky jewelry she gave me, I miss all the times I spent stuck on the phone for hours while she talked to me in English and Spanish and I was too afraid to ever get off of the phone because never, ever, ever interrupt abuela,…
So totally military. From right off the basic training bus.. "Hey, female! You with the brown hair, female! Yeah, you!" and even though you get a rank it never, ever goes away but one day even females can grow up to be a 'female' General... "Female" ugh
I have finally arrived! I still have no chairs for Lena Dunham though sadly.
Wait! I think I may have experienced something like this phenomena upon closer reflection! My partner has a distant relative who is well to do and invited us to 'dinner'. Sure, says I. Brought a salad. The experience was foreign. Everybody showed up at exactly 5:30. Men sat around TV. Women put food on table. People…
Yes on pizza and TV and beer, no on flowers or dessert or wine.
Definitely not a New Yorker! Is that it?
Dinner parties? Are these really real? I am 32 and have never attended, never hosted, and never been invited to a 'dinner party'. I've read articles about these things, how you are supposed to bring wine, and all the rules of being a 'gracious hostess' and I kind of wondered if it's an old people thing.
I have hair too short for ponytails but I constantly buy ponytail holders and throw them about the house because they are the only thing my older cat will play with.
After having experienced years of the dark side of Christianity (being told as a child I was the devil's child if I told a lie, being accuse of bringing dark forces into the house, etc. etc. ) I vowed to raise my children with an exposure to all religions and a very neutral, subjective position on it myself.
Yes. Yes it is rape. That tactic was used on me by my ex. So now my current partner knows that they can never, never, ever touch me in a sexual manner if I am in any way drowsy, either going to sleep, in sleep, or waking up, because of that. A decade later and I still have problems with going without a pillow in…
This is in every way fantastic. Hey little girls, sometimes the guy who is supposed to be a prince charming is not a prince charming, and guess what you can save yourselves without a prince anyways. Sound advice for once, Disney. I am all for this. Besides, when Hans is getting thrown out of the kingdom, they make the…
Haha, back in the day at my first assignment (aviation mechanic) we had Hot Wings Wednesdays and we'd order three batches of heat, and it was just so funny watching all the guys bring themselves to tears trying to eat the hottest batch. Our resident 'Old Man' loved hot stuff, like really actually liked it, so he'd…
This is horrific! I believe it though, I can believe it. I can see an abuser, someone who gets off on demeaning and hurting especially women who are empowered, as using the very framework of feminism and consent against them. Then afterwards, blaming it on hysterics. See, see how these feminists just always have to go…
Your dad is a damn hero. This is the truth of the military and god bless him for actually telling you. I hope for him to see the best of care; life after TRICARE is amazing. Thank him for me, for looking out for women. We need men like him. Thank you for responding.
Yes. The 'bad guys' were not all the bad guys. They worked with us. They worked for us. We traded with them, they brought us meat to BBQ and traded stories. Some of them put their lives on the line to help them. And some of them we left, we promised we would protect them and we left them. And they're dying.
I don't want to see this movie. From what I have read it leaves the folks leaving the theater all pumped up for 'MERIKA and fanning the flames of Islamophobia.