
I have to agree, after lyrics proclaiming herself a slave master, and tweeting about black guys being arrested in front of a popeye's, and her flippant 'whatever' reply to this... ugh. No, no, and no.

I see 'husband' but no 'wife'

Are those ads supposed to subconsciously make us see what women would look like actually 'wearing' the money shot? Or am I just perverted.

My first knee jerk reaction was to dismiss this. I feel really bad about that, because all the reasons it could be dismissed are exactly the reasons a woman would be dismissed. One - he is saying this for publicity. Two - why didn't you say no or yell. Three - if it was penetrative sex, he would have had to be

Ah, yes, the constant "Real men don't..." which on the surface seems like a good thing, saying men shouldn't "..." but the thing is yeah, it's real men doing these things. They're not figments of imagination. Don't try to distant yourselves from what men do by saying they're not 'real'. Put your consternation onto

And what he's really saying is..."so the rapists will rape somebody else"

I was there all the way until he dropped the 'schizophrenic' bomb. No, 'schizophrenia' is a not a colorful euphemism for 'hypocrisy'. It is a medical disability, Mr. Teaching the World About Discrimination While Dropping Ableist Slurs. Why?!?

Being one of four girls, I remember when we used to go through the McDonald's like my parents asking if we were going to be girls or boys for the toys depending on which one was 'cooler' and it was usually boys. No internalized misogyny here!

Oh, 'charge'. I thought it said, change, is in 'change that sweater soon'. Like yesterday.

Well now, when you call me a rabid activist I just have to live up to that and share this with everyone I know so they can all sign it yesssss.

Well at least that was better than, sorry if you were offended, ie, sorry not sorry.

In European countries, grannies get DOWN in their bikinis and don't give a damn. Not tacky whatsoever, though to go the extra mile, she should have had him in a Speedo.

That man tantrum was delicious. Yes, in the world where presidents' executive orders are 'lawless' is also the world where professional journalists are cheerleaders. Hurry, hit him with the pom pom of intelligent discourse!

It's too bad for the other actors, but taking that mentality too far is what perpetuates rape not being addressed. The rapist being too valuable to the company, being a member of the family, the 'truth' hurting his wife, the list goes on and on. That's just one more reason people who will defend a rapist no matter

In my situation found out afterwards (this happened in the Army) that he was a Level 3 Combatives trainer, and also that he was a wife beater. So had I fought it was very likely I would have been beaten. And I never did shake the feeling that I wish I had gotten beaten so he would have gone to jail. Fucked up, right.

I did the same thing, said I had one too. I also was too afraid to fight. It's a survival thing. You're not alone.

How about because you are in a vulnerable position of getting BEAT IN THE HEAD if you were to bite a man's penis who is raping you? Because it's only rape if you've been beaten to a pulp, right.

He just seems so smug. I just have images of them in my head standing around with wine glasses and expensive cheese and their other clueless smarmy friends laughing about how clever they are. Ew.