
I greatly enjoyed both articles. The business of sport is rarely articulated with such neutrality. The thread that seems to be weaving it’s way through multiple sports right now is Business vs Winning. The NFL, the revenues are so great that in order to make money, winning is no longer necessary. In baseball, the

You should have a rule, if you are going to say many people are expressing their displeasure and you use Twitter to back up your point, the people you reference tweeting should have at least 1000 followers for anyone to care. When I see some butt hurt jack off and his ten followers get a mention in an article that

Four trophies in six years for SKC at the house Vermes built, including last nights US Open Cup Championship...again, in the best soccer specific stadium in North America. Sporting Park has sold out for over 100 straight matches and are the sole tenant. Congrats on Atlanta getting 77K for a home opener but from

Four trophies in six years for SKC at the house Vermes built, including last nights US Open Cup Championship...again, in the best soccer specific stadium in North America. Sporting Park has sold out for over 100 straight matches and are the sole tenant. Congrats on Atlanta getting 77K for a home opener but from the

Namaste is worse.