
Not true, we only hear about celebrities. When you know a person who’s bern abused, you care. 

Does "she" (who knows? I've always wondered about RP) even exist? 

Are you planning to take your message into highschools? Because that’s where the audience for your comment presently is. 

Yeah, whateverwhatevergate is definitely a MCOW or whatever the fuck they call themselves, the stunted ”style” of writing & attempt to sound “rational” and “logical” (incapable of either, of course) as some pathetic attempt to make their incel driven misogyny & self-hate appear normal and “reasonable.” They write very

Yeah, this brought back memories from my youth - in particular, confiding to an older man I had met at work & naively considered a “friend” that I had really bad boundaries on account of my upbringing & him breathing back into the phone “Good.” It still gives me the creeps. 

No, shits not that complicated, though I will grant its messy. Old dude dates vulnerable women way younger than him because he’s an insecure twit in a state of arrested devolpement.

Yeah, this line of reasoning is entirely consistent with “she asked for it”. Some women dress provocatively, for men (prostitutes, for example) on the assumption that this is what men want, and good old Chris Matthews personifies this assumption perfectly.

Blueballs with Chris Matthews is the re-brand I suggest. What an inappropriate old sexist loser. Get rid of him already. Listening to him respond to Rudi Guiliani’s unhinged rant, which Blueballs described as “strong” was enough to cause me to question his rationality, but his pathetic oggling and inane “outrage” on

Panties in a twist? And you’re expecting anyone to actually take this comment seriously? And I’d like to say that I haven’t read such drivel as this in a while, but it’s basically plastered all over the internet. And yes, you should fear for the future, because it’s not going to look like anything you view as normal.

Ostensibly, he’s “sorry” about being a dicktard, and that is indeed something to feel sorry about, but maybe he should have kept his apology to himself. What does or should she care whether he’s sorry about being a dicktard or not? How does communicating his mortification about being himself make her feel better, or

Fighting sexism should give you energy, not exhaust you. It's called "power".

Are you seriously seeking approval or permission to get angry about something that obviously makes you angry? Fuck. That is really depressing.

Would anyone work from a "wobble board" and actually consider this newsworthy "sharing"?

When is the next ice going to come and render people like this extinct? I think I need to hurry it along. I'm going for a nice, long, drive.