Beige Lunatics

I hear Brian Grubb is available. 

Which corrupt corporate executive will get the only physical copy of THIS album?

More like Feud Network, amirite?

IMPORTANT QUESTION: Is she friends with Dinesh D'Souza? Is the friendship adversarial in nature?

With their Twitter account being so salty, it's no wonder there's no salt left to season their beef. Wendy's would be the undisputed best fast food joint if they would just season their beef a little.

Is the big twist that he's really Khan?

Based on John Oates' career, I assume this book was actually written by Daryl Hall, and Oates just put his name on it when it was done.

I hope Dan Harmon's getting to work writing the movie.

I like hearing the theme, though.

Dexter after season 4
Scrubs after season 8
The Office after season 7
A.I.: Artificial Intelligence before the aliens show up
24 after season 4
The Phantom Menace after the opening crawl

Finally, some Weezer songs in my vocal range.

Ben Folds' Dr. Dre/Snoop Dogg cover was dope.

No, opinions work by beginning with the words, "In my opinions…" or "I think…".

Didn't No Doubt already replace themselves with a terrible band around the time Rocksteady came out?

That "deconstruction" of Billie Jean was done by Chris Cornell on his live solo record. Cook's performance of it is great, but he's not the one who came up with the arrangement.

Sounds like he got his Jost deserts.

Come on, HBO. Just let me give you my money so I can watch your programs on my Roku. This shouldn't be as difficult as it is.

Yeah, let's have the U.S. Government investigate gender equality. Because those guys in Congress sure seem to understand women's rights issues.

I went to a 311 concert just to see Medeski, Martin, and Wood, and The Roots. Left during 311's first song.

I'm really perplexed as to why the writers of this episode decided to take a shot at public school teachers. There's enough misinformation out there as it is without a show run and written by intelligent people misrepresenting what "tenure" is. Tenure is NOT ironclad job security. It is simply a right to due