
Dear Kevin, thank you for your kind words.

You were expecting sexy cosplay?

Alright, unpopular opinion time. Full disclosure: I’ve owned an 87 Z31 300ZX for a year now and rather love it for it’s quirky design features.

Now playing

No, HERE’S how much sex everyone is having.

Why in the world would you hold something like this over Easter weekend? That just seems stupid.

“It makes me imagine another reality for these characters where they’re actually happy and successful. In Chun-Li’s case, that’s almost tragic, since her entire life revolves around fighting this terrifying force that killed her dad, changed the direction of her career, and probably necessitated a lifetime of

At 25k? The thing better have removable clothes and soft skin. Though I suppose anyone who wants to buy this and not care for more lifelike details can go about as they please.

My immediate thought.

Ugh. If I’m ever eaten by a 23-foot-long reticulated python in the remote village of Salubrio, I hope the villagers who discover me at least have enough respect to film the extraction of my corpse horizontally.

Now playing

Prevenge, you say? This better be on the soundtrack.

Final Fantasy VII called it wants the Junon Cannon back

Makes for a killer media server if you’re willing to put in the rather minimal work - even as a Linux newbie like myself.

Probably true. I actually like the idea of tinkering with them but then I see the learning curve and it’s just way steeper than I’d like (ymmv and all that jazz).

“I’m not even getting in to the argument that multiple characters in America should be highly alarmed by a President that actually wants to take the reigns of power like this in any way, shape or form. Like thinking “Oh fuck Trump’s gotta be insane, blackmailed, mind controlled, or some combination thereof we

“But mamma,” she said, wiping the chicken’s blood from her calloused hands with a soiled cloth that she cut from an old, moth-eaten bedgown. “Hezekial’s poppa will never offer a dowry for me if the Good Lord does not see fit to bless me with healthy birthing hips.”


Also for those who didn’t catch it: They’ve also used a remixed version of the original opening theme.

In addition to what Jason said, I’d also add accessibility to non ‘gamers’.