
Fun Fact: Hernias can set off the body scanner, and it REALLY creeps out the TSA agent when he has to poke it.

“To be honest, as far as wanting to change that depiction of Samus, I made what I wanted to make.”

I swear to God people were legitimately offended that a new Wolfenstein game was coming out because “Nazis are the bad guys again.” If it was just trolling they should win some goddamn awards for their craft because I genuinely couldn’t tell. I don’t want to live in a world where Americans don’t view fighting Nazis

BlaK suffered a bit because they used Ace K (I think) and it ended up having the same pitfalls for aftertaste that every other Ace K drink has.

Am I the only one that noticed Pauline was singing the damn theme song?

See now, that’s servi- Wait up guys my boss is on the phone

Where is the ass; when I see a Jango post I expect an ass

why would you ever

I think it’s a more refreshing answer than the books’ “I re-built the JO/Uh oh the current big bad wiped out like 90% of em it’s just me again/okay I built the JO again/Uh oh” cycle. There’s a dose of cynicism and audience knowledge to it but (if this turns out to be true) it looks like Luke sat down and said “Okay

Considering how the EU treated the constant cycle of “The Jedi are totally coming back yo” and “oh shit like 9/10ths of us died it’s pretty much just Luke again” I think him (probably) ditching the old formalities of “Proper” Jedi/Sith and just winging it to be the right way to go

So that makes three (four if you count ReDASH) games I’ve backed now

Imma have to be that guy and say almost half his order was CJ, Sweet and Ryder’s; The two number 9s, and the 6 with extra dip.

Incest is the limit? I mean, this is the Internet we’re talking about here.

The top is the weakest part yes, but she gets mad points for the other parts/details. Even then on the top what most bothers me is a personal preference; I don’t like it as much when someone tries to match the color of a garment so much that they forget to make it look “real” or “lived in.” It looks a bit costumey,

They actually did try that when Smash was “officially” added to EVO, but they got huge backlash over it.

I think what makes this an issue (and hurts the story) is the initial “You have to listen to all the tapes then pass it on or someone releases them” hook. I understand that they needed a reason for Clay to have to listen to them and to create tension/drama between the tape subjects, but it doesn’t really make sense


You’re not wrong, but remember, the GBA enjoyed another year or so of support while everyone figured out how they felt about the OG DS back in the “Third Pillar” years. The other thing to consider is the 3DS line still has a massive install base compared to the Switch, so raw numbers are going to keep it going a bit

Yo Star Platinum’s been working out. And turned into a robot pirate.

For a dingy, weird old place that smelled of rank elephant piss and faded glory they had a pretty decent arcade with surprising variety, if not always fully working machines. I say had because admittedly it’s been something like 7-8 years since I’ve last been there. They had Planet Harriers that last time though,