
The rotary knob gearshift really annoys me. Whether it's an automatic or a manual, I like having an actual shifter to use instead of a stalk or a knob. I wish Chrysler hadn't gone down this route.

Nice article, but what's up with all the clickbait headlines these days?

It reminds me of the bulge I get in my pants when I look at this car. Ba-dum-tshhh!

That's the best thing that could ever happen to the 2015 Mustang.

There's a truck that I've seen parked on my street a few times that has a number of the mods on this list.

I know a few guys who have Confederate flag stickers on their bumpers, and for them it's more of a Southern pride thing than anything else. I don't really get it myself, and I would never put one on my car, but I don't think it's a terrible thing to do.

I live in Texas, so the no AC is kind of a deal breaker for me. Other than that, it seems like a pretty nice deal though.

M4 Coupe because it looks good, although I have to say I'm a fan of the flares on the M3. Manual transmission, obviously. Carbon ceramic brakes but no M suspension. I don't like the idea of the computers messing with my driving any more than they already are, even if they're trying to help.

I'd buy an Aston Martin V8 Vantage from 2007/2008 or so. I'm still struggling to get my head around the fact that you can buy an Aston Martin for "only" 60k.

I saw my first Espada at an auto museum in Jordan this summer. I didn't really like the looks of it then, but it looks so much better when it's actually out on a road and not stuck in a dark room. I'm actually kind of digging it now.

I avoid Crown Vics and Dodge Chargers because I'm irrationally afraid that the fuzz will jump down my throat if I go too fast near one, cop car or no.

Agreed, I seriously don't understand why they are doing this. The 300 SRT-8 was an awesome car.

The B-1A and the Tu-160 were definitely very similar aircraft, and the Tu-160 was basically a reactionary design to the B-1. So it kind of is a copy if you think of it that way.

The Tu-160 was not a copy of the B-1. The program to develop it was started as a response to the B-1 AMSA program, but the Tu-160 was developed from the Tu-144 (the Russian version of the Concorde) and the Sukhoi T-4MS.

If there was a war between the U.S. and Russia, wouldn't you want the majority of their most capable bomber fleet grounded? The Blackjack is a nasty piece of work and in a hypothetical war I would want as few of them flying as possible.

I actually really liked the sound of my Camaro's V-6 back when I had it. It was no V-8 and I've heard people complain that the GM V-6 is very growly without much of a tone to it, but I liked it. The sound that engine made whenever I turned the car on was orgasmic to say the least.

I hope SRT does a good job. I like domestic cars more than imports for the most part, and I'd take a well-done Dart SRT over a WRX any day.

Yeah, that's pretty true. If I had the kind of money to get a Maserati I very much doubt I'd shell out the cash to get a V8 for that small hp advantage. It kind of feels like they threw all their effort into the V6 and tacked on the V8 as an afterthought, because why not.

The Russians have nothing on the B-2, but they have more than just Tu-95 "Bear" turboprops. The Tu-22M and Tu-160 "Blackjack" come to mind. The Tu-22M is a "theater" bomber and is pretty much inferior to the B-1 in every way except for speed, but the Tu-160 is basically a bigger B-1 that flies faster, carries more,