Yeah these assholes don’t give a shit about college co eds being raped at a fraternity party, but the transgender person who just wants to pee and be left alone, THEY’RE the problem.
Yeah these assholes don’t give a shit about college co eds being raped at a fraternity party, but the transgender person who just wants to pee and be left alone, THEY’RE the problem.
men are VERY CONCERNED about trans people in the bathroom now because it scares and disempowers them. “what if someone i thought was a chick isn’t really a chick? omg.” that’s it.
Yep. The world needs a collective lesson on gender identity and gender presentation.
Like when cops yell “stop resisting” when the victim isn’t resisting.
Seriously, were this any other circumstance, they would be telling women to cover up more in the restroom because it’s in men’s nature to roam the earth sniffing out vaginas like malnourished hyenas.
this whole thing makes me sick to my stomach
So what you’re saying is this is all leading up to a law where a man is allowed to enter the women’s bathroom as long as he thinks he saw another man enter? This will surely lead to protecting the fragile women and will not lead to a man following in a man who thinks he saw another man enter.
I’m being sarcastic but…
There is speculation that the Texas lege will be looking at some bathroom laws next year (our lege only meets for 6 months every other year). We’re an open carry state now. Who knows what kind of fuckery might happen!
I just don’t get it . . . how is any of this ok? Are people in America so disenfranchised that they will rally to police bathrooms just to feel like they have a modicum of control or importance?
“I’m just trying to make sure you’re not being harassed!” (As I stand outside the bathroom, waiting to harass you)
Why in the world do they suddenly care about women being assaulted. No one seemed to care when it was a drunk guy trying to grope me in the middle of the street or on the subway or at a concert.
OH WAIT, ITS not about that is it
How long before someone who isn’t stable decides to be the Bathroom Monitor with a semi automatic and someone gets shot. Because this is exactly where this is headed.
This comment blew my mind. I hadn’t thought about this. My rage level just went from red to threat level midnight.
Yeah I’m betting that the Venn diagram of people who are concerned about “them transgenders” in the bathroom and people who think all of Cosby’s accusers are liars is pretty close to circular.
This is for some reason not reported in international outlets at all but last week three men in Denmark got acquitted of gang raping a woman who was unconscious because of a combination of alcohol and insulin shock (she is diabetic). Reason for the acquittal? She didn’t actively resist this they couldn’t have known…
This. This seriously had me so pissed when I heard the ruling. People are freaking out about women and children possibly getting raped in a bathroom, when what? It’s not like the lawmakers prosecute it at all down here. My brain is about to explode with anger.
Yeah, it’s a very depressing reminder of how much sexual assault is a “modern” crime. We have literally centuries of case law about what is a regular assault or a regular battery, going back to the earliest recorded cases in the 13th century. But the idea that touching a woman’s body sexually was a distinct crime is…
The second half of your comment is spot on, but to clarify the first half — it is considered rape if the person is unconscious or intoxicated, but rape in that case is defined as vaginal and anal penetration only. This specific case was about oral sex so it was under a different law.
What the fuck? So people in this ass-backwards state can rape anyone they want as long as the person is too intoxicated to consent, or just plain unconscious? THIS IS WHY WE NEED FEMINISM. This is why we need a fair representation of women as lawmakers. This is also why we need SMART PEOPLE, and not science deniers,…