
I’m sorry to hear that. I don’t believe you should take fault in any of that but again both our experiences reiterate that there is no perfect recipe. Your daughter’s situation rings nearly identical to the path my own former high school sweetheart took and her parents were control freaks., heartbreaking to see.

final paragraph is great. kids that had parents paying for college but looked at it as a gift as opposed to a right or investment by the parents were far more appreciative of that gift.

just went back in time to look at my personal finance sheet from a year ago. I’m amazed that I made it through this whole year without buying a ton of the junk I thought I needed last year. awesome feature I had no idea existed.

I’m amazed at how big of a deal people make of this. It’s no wonder why so many of my buddies were absolutely insane at college. DO NOT BE AN OVERBEARING PARENT. Give your kids space, give them choices, give them support. If you hammer your kids on not drinking, doing drugs, piping like crazy and be a constant micro