Freakin Rad

Playing Dark Souls for the first time and had a few moments like that...but I was promptly killed for my admiration. You?

We have come so far since the loading screens of yester-year

I could debate that all gainfully employed couldnt do it. How many smoke breaks are legally protected? Take those and put them together and you have a nap time protected by law.

Love the humor of how over the top it is!

hours of loving work to model, rig, animate, track, light and render for that shot. After setting up the model, I wouldn’t mid featuring the ghost in more action in the future.

Hey thanks. We wrote it to ride that line of cheesy and to be controversial. This was a benchmark test of two channel coming together for an awesome project. You can not only expect more like this but expect it soon.

I did and started to see lots of things they say about our video

This was one all in post. We did it a little slower than normal plus we shot at a higher framerate which allowed us to speed ramp the footage. I then took particle emitters (a few of em) to spread out small cloud-like sprites (little PNG’s) that flowed with the motion and made it look real. I appreciate your