
Ooh, I think this definitely goes up there along with Kamala Khan’s Ms Marvel and Jaime Reyes’ Blue Beetle.

Damn, Katharine even you are in the Grey’s over here, that’s cold. Like the night king killing Viserion cold.

Did it say “Now Streaming” at the end?

Clearly their trip to D.C. wasn’t educational for them in any way. Maybe they should try reading this, wherein Heather Heyer’s cousin asks “why did it take my white, female cousin dying to get people to notice this shit?”:

You two have clearly never had a good sugar cookie. What have you been eating commercial cookies only? Sugar cookies should have vanilla and cinnamon and a little lemon zest and be crispy and NOT BE FROSTED. You all need to make friends with a baker.

Indeed. I’m already getting folks/trolls pointing out that a woman, who happened to be white, died even though I repeatedly pointed out that a woman died at the hands/vehicle of a terrorist in the damn post. And that this should be the focus. Not folks’ tiny feelings about being “good.” Clearly, I’m not talking about

Do you know many foreign languages? Have you ever spoken French in Montreal and Paris? Very different. I teach Chinese at a large public university. I’m fluent, but I’m constantly impressed with the differences in “standard” Mandarin on the mainland, in Hong Kong, and in Taiwan. Which is standard? I guess it depends

It ends this month, so...yes.

You guys do realize that it’s possible to write a show that adequately addresses both race and gender simultaneously, right? The two issues aren’t mutually exclusive.

I don’t know what to say, she’s lamenting that the Black Fox News viewership is 1.5%. It sounds like she’d like that number to be higher. However, I can’t in good conscience tell anyone I care about of any color to watch that channel.It literally brainwashes people. People who watch Fox News are more likely to be

It’s pointing out how the lives of Black people don’t mean much for certain white liberals except as a jump off to make a political point.

Bill Maher is a libertarian, not a liberal or anything of the sort.

I also asked her to describe Trump in three words and her response was: “Stupid asshole”

“A lot of people are just done with being inundated with monotony. I have no issue with having a white, straight, or male character in a comic book, but when you’re constantly being reminded that you’re reading about white, straight, or male character, it gets old.”

It’s a metaphor.

Sorry you feel it’s unbalanced! The point here, though, is not a referendum on these technologies. Clearly, deep brain stimulation to quell Parkinson’s tremors, depression, etc are and can be amazing technologies. My point is the perspective from which those innovations come: Silicon Valley “hacking” versus the slow,

then-President George W. Bush