
That would be an awesome reveal!

I think he was either feigning indifference, or indifferent, to Flints impending attack. It also parallels the conversation Flint had with Billy at the beginning of the episode, in which he tells Billy, "Never was their a Caesar who couldn't sing a tune". Both captains, despite what they may be feeling or doubts they

Eviscerated the show in what seemed more of a screed against Starz. Made some fair points about sexuality, but by and large smeared the show, unfairly. Say what you will about the pace, but this episode brought everything into focus, and the characters are becoming more and more interesting.

Does it strike you as odd that most of the viewers who have left comments about the "plausible explanations" all seem to have a common thread? It's not that difficult to glean the character motivations and understand the emotional underpinnings behind Vane, Eleanor, Max. There are still some unknowns about Vane and