
Ah sorry after purchasing limited editions or even the ones where they charge a $150+ in the past most of the crap they give is no where near worth the extra price. Ive been burned in the past with these because the item looks great on a pic but when you get it the thing is just cheap plastic not even worth $5 bucks.

Ah Yes thank you thank you. Some how I knew I had the wrong movie and it was driving me crazy!

That has now made my list of dumbest ways to die. Almost as bad as the idiots who tried to recreate the highway scene I think was in the movie "The last boy Scout" in a where a bunch of guy lay down on the painted lines on the express way. No need to say that it didn't end well for those guys.

I can change my home screen setting my phone up the way I want it to look without having to root it. I can use apps like adw or open home and change the look from stock. The widgets alone make the phone more useful.

As far as my number one must have for an android I always tell folks to get juice defender this app has actually extended the life of my battery quite a bit. The free one is ok but the paid ultimate one actually works the best.

Im actually a fan of better keyboard for the android I like the fact that it is skinable and I can make it match my theme on my phone. Another good one is swiftkey which actually learns how you text and predicts what word you are going to type.

Sorry but I am done with Apple and AT&T. I was with them from the first phone all the way to the last one they put out and I just got tired of the bullshit. I hated the fact that I had to jailbreak the dam thing just to be able to do things I wanted. I have now gone with an Android and couldn't be happier, granted it

Yeah yeah Here is your badge.

When you open the bag you will hear a tearing sound, that sound will be your pants splitting from all the weight you will gain from polishing off just one bag of these "Fat boy hand grenades".

LOL I would star you again if I could.

Looks fun as hell but I can foresee a lot of nerd rage quits over this.

Another COD game with a slapped in seal team 6......../yawn I'm sure all the "Bro guys" and other low brained morons will eat this up seeing that its probably the only game they own for their system. Oh wait I forgot about Madden.

I vote we put Uwe Boll and all reality tv stars on an island and drop a few nukes on it. That way the world will never have to suffer from their movies / shows again!

At least its not as bad as some of the ones I see around where with the huge fucking wagon wheels for rims.

There are some pretty good ones out there just have to look through the see of crap to find it. I hate to admit but there are just a ton of clones from other games. Like the dam jump games and other bullshit

No online? Jesus Nintendo get your head out of your ass and get with the times already! A game like this is perfect for online play yet you are still stuck in your stubborn short sighted ways and wonder why the 3DS didn't sell as much as you thought it should have.

They already make something like this made by duracell and it gives you up to 6 hours. It doesn't fit on the wrist but for less then what you paid for that ugly monster you can get it instead.

Yeah because I want to have to spam my friends to try and get them to play it so I can advance in the game. No fucking thank you! Why can't I just have a game on FB where I don't need a fucking million neighbors just to enjoy and don't have to tend to it like a second child. Is a single player experience on FB just