
Never been much of a fan of these "Mega" PC's always seemed like a huge wast of money to accomplish the same thing you can do without spending all the cash.

Look guys and gals at Kotaku / Gawker I understand the needs for ads on your free to view site it pays the bills and what not. But please who ever decided to have the ads at the top cover the story for 30s each time I come here, can you please fire them and give them a good kick in the balls / vag for me? Its poor web

/agreed it just look SC2 set to music and mimicking the camera they used.

The show is barely a few episodes in and you already don't like it? Or is it just no where near as good as the books ( I haven't read them so I couldn't tell you how the show compares)

Seeing the he was a millionaire I could totally see him in something like this. But moving that much material from inside a mountain with out someone noticing would be challenge. You can't just have dump trucks rolling out the side filled with dirt and expect no one to notice.

Man that sucks I really want to play Black Mesa source hell I would even have paid for it.

Hmm this reminds me has anyone heard anything about Black Meas Source? Or should I just put it in the same file labeled "Someday" which also contains HL2 ep. 3, Duke Nuke em and another Mechwarrior game.

Ah yes dragons lair I what a fun, head pound on the wall game it was! Your timing had to be almost perfect or it was insta death. I must have pumped enough quarters into one of those things to actually buy one.

I grew up in East Chicago Indiana and the dam city is cut by two rail yards one that runs north south and one that runs west,east (Think of a plus sign and a city built around that plus sign. Years ago they built a bridge that crosses over the north south. So now the city is divided by the tracks that run west to

Now this is the kind of news I like to hear! No waiting around for the sdk, which always seems to get delayed for some reason or the other. I have yet to mod a FPS game so this one and portal will be my first.

Good pointer in there about being nice. When you work in the service industry like I do on my second job we deal with douche bags all day long. So when you guys come at use acting like assholes it dose not phase us a bit (most of us are seasoned vets). You will basically get no where acting like this and often times

I just saw Tron Legacy and the soundtrack they did was just phenomenal.

Agreed I was at that show and it was awesome!

Why do I feel greatly underwhelmed by that? I just wasted 6 min and 15 sec of my life that I could have wasted on something far more entertaining. It was ok but I felt it was building up to something that just never happened.

/sigh I will be happy when the 3D hype train is over.... oh and when all reality TV is choked to death and buried somewhere in a block of cement.

While I agree it would be nice to see a country where we get off of oil, I just don't think its going to happen. People in this country loving driving their giant gas guzzling monsters (which by the way usually only carry one person) and last time I actually drove on the express way people are still speeding around

DING DING DING DING DING!!! Winner is you! Been saying that ever since the whole carbon neutral started showing up.

awe crap I just seen that you posted the same thing I just did about cm7 next time I need to read comments first.