
I don't understand all this paranoia to begin with. Folks your not that important that they want to know every little thing you do. Honestly they could follow me around all day long they would be bored in a week seeing I pretty much have the same routine.

Who ever did the quote on the 3d blue ray is dreaming. Most of the country is out of work but they are going to spend more money on luxury's?

Hell I wouldn't even dream of trying to steal something in Singapore. I did a lot of work out there in 2007 and worked with some of the locals. Over dinner on the first night they explained to me everything NOT to do while I was there because of the strict law enforcement. I have to say if we had that here in the

Thats a trick question isn't it?

Cool as hell! I wish we had a 3d printer at work but it would be hard to justify such an expensive purchase. But good lord that thing looks fragile as hell. I would be afraid to even touch it.

So they pretty much turned it into a more colorful alien swarm type game. /sigh some things are just better left alone atari.

Funny how I just made it past this part and decided to take a break and read kotaku. At least you put a nice big spoiler arrow before it so no one can bitch about it

This reminds me that I need to get back to work on the lego version of one of these turrets I'm doing. Right now I have run into a problem with one of the sides and now that portal 2 is out its going to sit on the back burner for a while.

And I thought I was the only one. Its kind of like the Xerox effect, back when other companies started making copiers people would still use the term "Hey would you go over and Xerox this for me?" Thankfully that has gone away over the years.

Portal 2 seeing as you have a roommate you have a instant co op buddy. Then send the rest of the money to the landlord before you end up gaming on the street. =)

Eh Im not going to bitch I brought the games because of the promotion and in the process I found some games that I really enjoyed. Games that I would have other wise may have over looked.

While I agree they are awesome I would imagine that there is always the chance he could get sued from making and selling something like this.

Microwave is just as effective and makes a cool looking effect on the CD. Just if you do it be careful and don't leave it in too long or breath the fumes, nasty , nasty stuff.

That is just a perfect fit!

I have mixed feelings on this one. While what I think happened was horrible I'm not sure if her case will hold any water. We are all responsible for our own security and just blindly trusting people you just meet is a bad idea. Other questions come to mind also, like did he just follow her home without her knowing or

Ive never been a on the receiving end of a 50 cal but I imagine it would look something like that .

gaming events like pax and comic con will be gold mines for street pass if you ever got to any of those events.


Never understood the big deal over this. If you really wanted to you could buy a nice cover for your phone (like I did) and make it any color you want. Add in the fact that the phone over time it is going to get grubby and dirty which makes it even less appealing. At least with the cover you can swap out for a new one