
I wonder though if you could gift the pc version to a different account that way you can have one play on the pc and the other on the ps3?

When I first saw it I thought "Oh great another tower defense game /sigh" I ended up buying it on a whim because I was bored. Turns out to be a fresh look on the genre. Its exciting to be the ones running through the towers trying to keep your squad alive rethinking routes as they get cut off or reinforced. Well

Good point, I think I will go that route instead.

Ever since I read how games are comforting some of the kids displaced in Japan I have been trying to find a legit organization to donate my old DS lite and DSi along with a couple of games so that it could get to one of these kids. So far I have not found one, I would start one myself but Ive never done anything like

Oh ok it was a bit confusing to me because they said that they were washing up on shore.

Safes are pretty dam heavy I would have thought once they were swept out to sea by the surge they would just sink to the ocean floor and stay there.

Maybe it wasn't an option?

Expensive ring dose not = that you love them more. The rings of my wife and I together cost less then $300. I don't know where the stigma came from that you have to spend a ton of money on a ring to prove you love someone. Had my wife made a big deal about the ring not costing a small fortune I think I would have

Dear Ubisoft,

Only because of all things that you can do with a Kinect that goes beyond gaming. If Microsoft had locked down the Kinect and kept people from writing their own stuff for it those things would have been collecting dust on the selves.

Don't know why but I just kept expecting it to explode. Like really explode I still like it just weird that I wanted to see it explode and paper flying every where.

My Eyes! They BURN!

I've only watched one unboxing video and the guy doing it was a mouth breather. I made it about a one minute in before having to turn it off. Now every time I try to watch one I can't because all I can think of is this dork breathing into the god dam mic.

Try out the first advance wars it and dual strike are by far the the better ones of the game series.

I agree we could use something like that hope one of the guys this suggestion.

Best thing to do is be honest with him. Let him know its one thing to play online with PS3 games but is a whole other thing when it comes to your cell phone. Honestly I would have never had him as a friend on my facebook. I mark that one as an adult only zone. I would just let him know that on PSN is ok but not my

flashblock and Adblock are your best friends on Giz and if they have a vid on the post in flash it gives you the option to play what you want. That way you not bombarded by the millions of dam flash ads that infect this place.

uncanny valley or not I'm sure any time a soldiers dose not have to carry around a bunch of heavy shit they will use it. Eventually it will just become another piece of hardware to them like everything else they use.

Interesting how you proved his point by doing the exact thing he was talking about.