
Upon further inspection of my phone and seeing what day it was I see I have been duped! Dam it I hate April fools.

So nice to see I'm not the only person hates having to go in there. Last few trips there I had to deal with some of the hipsters working behind the counter and I swear if they get smug with me next time I'm going to throw the phone and hopefully hit them in the head.

Ah fuck now I can't unsee this! Great now every time the 1st of the month rolls around I'm going to be looking to see if its like this. Curse you Apple I'm going over to Droid now!

Major props on the patience to do that. I think I would have nerd raged after the first day and broke the bottle.

I am so happy that baseball is back! Right after football season is over I pretty much don't have a dam thing to watch. Basketball dose not interest me and hockey is not my thing so there is a big ol void in my sports while I wait for the season to start.

Yeah no kidding! I looked at that and went DAM that would almost fill up my drive. Still wonder how many people fell for this.

Awe man I wanted it until I saw the games for windows logo UUUGGGh!

I want to know what weed are those guys smoking? Because that is some good shit!

Yeah internet petitions are pretty much worthless. Look at all the ones where they protested MW2 only to have most people who joined fold and buy it anyway. Same thing on LFD2, so when a petition actually has people with backbones to follow through I might take it seriously

I work at a casino and honestly I did not think so many people there would have one. It was pretty dam cool.

She might be Mii stalking you man WATCH OUT!

First time was at work yesterday. I had about 15 of them in just under ten minutes time of getting there. Interesting to see how many co workers where fellow gamers including our GM which happen to be the first one I got has we passed in the hallways. At lunch a few of us got together and swapped around a few games to

What great work! Honestly this guy needs to keep going. I love the concept, the game play is just awesome! I wonder is it that he hit a creative road block or is it just lack of funds? I would gladley donate money to help him out.

You could always do what I did. I made a fake facebook page with the whole intention of using it to play farmville . I then when to the forums and added a "add me" post. When the friend request come in just approve them and TADA plenty of people to play the game with. By using a facebook page like this I don't risk

I wanted to be a Black Mage for our wedding but the wife said she wasn't going to marry a guy in a bathrobe and big pointy hat.

I loved that movie when I was a kid ! I must have seen it a dozen times

+1 for the Simpsons reference.

I thought the F15 got retired? Sorry not as up to par on my aircraft as most of you guys are.

God I love the Warthog, So few planes from that era that are still in use. Those things take a hell of an ass whooping and still make it back to base. Its not the fastest thing out there but when your that well armored you don't have to be.