
I hope they had insurance to cover any damage. And on another note I am jealous that I don't have any where near the disposable income to even by a fraction of that stuff.

I love you man. BTW how is the game? I recently stopped playing WoW because of its boring repetitive game play is this game worth the play?

Such is the way of our law system. Rich guy breaks the law? He gets off light. Poor man breaks the law? He goes to jail for the full sentence and then can't find a decent job after. I have always said that there where too kinds of justice in this country there's rich man and poor man most of us happen to fall in the

Just got to love the paranoia and people when it comes to those who we often regard as other wise intelligent people. I heard these pills are selling on the upwards of a $100 a pill.

Maybe because I come from a culture where I grew up seeing rooster fights it's not as a big deal to me. We need to accept the fact it happened and move on already. The man did his time and paid his due. Lets stop beating up the guy already over something that has already been resolved. If EA puts him on the cover or

I'm more then happy that they made some much needed improvements to Firefox. It was always one of my favorite browser. I went with chrome because of how fast it was but now that they have improved it so much I went back to using Firefox. I'm using it right now and I love the extra real estate they gave the browser!

Now that is interesting! Going to have to pick one up and a few of the others they have. $8.50 isn't too bad for something unique like that.

Thank you SO Much! Its times like these I wish I could buy folks a drink over the net.

I wonder if I can get a copy of this some where? I love old maps for some reason and I have several framed around my place (no originals just remade copies) I tried finding just this map of New York but so far no luck anyone know what this one is called? I googled and found several new york maps but not this one.

Well I'm not saying the change will come right away. Its going to be one of those things where it will slowly creep in. More like a creeping fungus then a all right out attack. Slowly but surely the price is going to creep up and up. Now I agree its far fetched that AT&T will be the only game in town when it comes to

Sprint has prepaid smartphones but they are not exactly the newest ones around. They sell theirs under Boost mobile. Then there is as Virgin but Im not sure if they are Verizon's prepaid or stand on their own. They have some pretty nice smartphones compared to Boost. It just really comes down to on what you consider

Ah fuck! Is all I can think of when I heard about this! If by some chance, and I know its a slim chance, that AT&T where some how able to drive Verizon into the ground or is able to buy them it will just be a shit time for all! If folks thing their ass hurts now after getting the bill from AT&T just imagine if they

Seeing this reminds me how I should have gone to school for the robotics program , but instead I went the IT route because I liked computers and networks as well. In hindsight I should have gone the robotics route. Dam it!

I loved stand alone complex! I first saw it when they use to show it on Adult swim but, sadly they no longer have it in their rotation instead they throw in those live action show I can't stand! I need to buy the series on DVD but I have yet to find one that I can afford.

Oh ok I now I know! Yeah I agree it needs to go. That and taking pictures of what folks are eating !

whats the retarded duckface? I want to know!

Poor kid I'm sure once this hit the net it was just months and weeks of punishment from the hordes of jackasses the internet spews.

Lets seeing under mine is : Video games, screwing around on the computer, and watching TV and drinking good beer.. Pretty much spot on for my dull life. Every person I have as a friend is an actual person that is my family or someone I work with. So don't think they wouldn't call me out on some bullshit I put in my

Sounds like it might be a pain in the ass but, I wonder are there going to be games that will require us to move the 3DS like that, like in some of the iphone games?

Anyone know what graphic mod was used when they made that?