
It would be different if Apple was just sort sighted and didn't produce enough to meet the demand, but in this case most of the gadget geeks (myself included) can understand the reasons why.

Can we all please stop giving all these attention whores what they want?! This is a good start now lets work our way up to the Jersey Shore kids, and the Kardashians!

No freaking WAy! They have a tee shirt? Gawd no I hope it wasn't a limited run because I want one!

This one so far is my fave of those in his gallery

So I wonder, on the news ealier today I saw that they may have to fill the area where the core is with sand and concrete. My question is : How bad dose it have to get before they do that? Is that considered a last and final option? What will be the enviromental effects (or is affects) on the area if they have to do it

Wow mind offically Blown! I had no idea they could make high def from the film I definatly have to get this now!

Very cool mod but, with my luck I would go to my car one morning and it would be gone with only a nice amount of broken glass in my car.

I don't know while I do like some of my music better on vinyl for nostalgic reasons, I just LOVE being able to pick and choose what songs I want. Back then you would buy a whole album and it would suck to get one where there was only one or two good songs.

I'm glad I waited on this one! Once steam knocks the price down to something more reasonable like they did with deadspace 2 then I will pick it up. I played the demo and liked it but to me it just was not the same as DAO was for me so I decided to wait until the price dropped.

I have more faith in Japan then that! I know that they will be able to rebuild and recover in time! They are a very hard working, and determined people. Sure they got a huge knock down punch from mother nature but they are not just going to give up and move away from the island.

Oh I agree it was totally frighting to watch it I had goose bumps the whole time! I just thought that in a Tsunami it was a hyper fast moving mass of water. I'm sure by the shore line it was like that and as the wave moved farther in it loss some speed. The images I'm seeing are almost surreal like as if it was a

Wow that was just so hard to watch. After the kid started crying I just felt my heart break!

Thats has just got to be a strange and sick feeling watching everything that is familiar to you just get washed away in a torrent of water like that.

Thank you I found your post extremely helpful on this topic. Its hard to tell if the media is playing this up because they themselves don't know what they are talking about or they are just pulling their usual over hyped bullshit.

As if I need anymore reason to love google chrome.

I agree with your post but, the this will become a big pain in the ass come Christmas time if they implement a $100 cap. And I'm not thrilled with the idea of having to carry that much cash around.

If my bank starts doing this I will just go back to using cash or writing checks. I already cleared out all my credit card and I refuse to get myself back into it. Its already bad enough they like to nickel and dime me for withdraws from an atm and I'm sure as hell not going to give them any more of my money just to

Alright I want to know worst case scenario: If this plant dose happen to have a meltdown what can we expect? I'm only asking because my knowledge on these matters is very limited at best.

Sure why not spend another $100 bucks on something you already paid a few hundred to begin with. Sure you can jailbreak it but there are people out there that don't want to mess around with that.

Oh wow I have not heard of that new at all. Not even a 5 sec blip about it on any of the news channels that I was watching that is troubling.