
I've been yearning for a good multiplayer mech game for a long time. I hope that this can fill the void.

By far this is the most troubling news I have heard all day. Not only are the people of Japan faced with horrible aftermath of a double whammy of an earth quake and a tsunami , but now the threat of nuclear meltdown? I can't even begin to imagine how bad things are over there and I hope and pray that they can get

I think the biggest reason they don't do this is because they want to force you into upgrading. It sucks and I agree its a shitty way of doing business but a lot of company's that offer a service or software do this. If they keep supporting older stuff they know that some people will never bother to update to the new

I never saw this as much of a problem. Easy solution is to not let you kid play with it. Now don't get me wrong on occasion my 2 year old has gotten his hands on my iphone but so far he has yet to accidentally buy something for me.

LOL how the hell do I heart this guy!? That gave me a good laugh that I needed today.

Other then one being a liquid and one a powder whats the difference between the two? I only ask because Im not sure.

LOL I don't know man Baboons are pretty dam powerful I wouldn't want to run into one of them, let alone a pack of em! But I agree I like your story better.

I wonder how they help it keeps its shape? Because I would imagine with that much play- doh it would start to sag in spots.

A few years ago we had a semi overturn that was full of Tide and then it started to rain! Next thing you know it was a big, slick, foamy mess. It was just weird to see the road full of suds and cars wrecked on it.

A buddy of mine told me about this last night good thing he was smart enough not to try it. The rumor going around is that the big M has already started swinging the ban hammer. Not sure how they track it but Im sure there is a way for them to figure it out.

Dam could it really be that loud from a water balloon that small? Or is someone just editing the sound?

That was the number one reason when I was kid that my mom would take my nintendo out of my room during the school week. Mon-Thurs were no game days for me weekends, I could play all day if I wanted to. So I agree with this guy you have to give your kids some kind of balance because gaming till 4 am on a school night

HOly hell I have a twin!


LOL I see I wasn't the only one!

You poor, poor , man! If I had to live with that in real life I would move out as soon as possible even if it ment leaving everything I owned behind.

aah dude so wrong of you but dam it still made me laugh!

At one of my jobs we have an entire computer lab set aside as an employee break room for things like this. The PCs in the offices and cubical have filters on them so you can't game at your desk but, the break room is wide open as long as its not adult content. I think more places need to do this space permitting of

Eve is a real fun game if you join a good corp but, it dose have a hell of a learning curve. I havn't played it in some time so Im not sure if its gotten any easier to break into.

Wow that is just so true and to the point I'm going to start following this guy.