
Im pretty sure there are plenty of people that still play this but I gave up on it a long time ago. I got tired of having to try and play a good and fair session without running into the rampant cheaters and it got to the point where it was dam near impossible.

You never stated it was a laptop so don't be a dick about it, there are after all desktops with integrated cards, I know because my old pc had one which I had to replace with an actual card. I just assumed that is what you had and maybe you were new to pc gaming but now I see your just a another internet dickhead this

double post

While I agree SSD will be in future consoles I just dont expect to see it in the next generation of systems. At the current size to price ratio for a SSD it would drive the cost a lot higher then what we paid for the current systems when they came out. But like all tech eventually they will find ways to make it

You don't need that expensive of a graphic card to run this game at all. If you can't afford then I wouldnt expect to be able to run pretty much any decent pc game. All I can say is welcome to pc gaming its a bit more expensive then the consoles

Nooooo! as If I don't waste enough time on facebook games already!

Well thats why I said it kind of could be considered a lost sale but, yes I agree they never intended to buy it anyway so can't really count it as a sale to begin with.

I always want to tell people like that "Well why don't he show him some porn while we are at it, he will see it at home on his computer by the time he is 12!"

I so hope this was not written by a kid. The first thought that came to mind was," Why the hell are his parents letting him play this M rated game!" They are probably the same type that screamed bloody murder about Janet Jacksons nipple exposure during the super bowl but then they allow them to play a game that is

I feel the same way.

Notch I love you man but I have to disagree, Sure stealing a car and stealing a game are different things but the act is still the same. If we lived in a world where it was impossible to pirate then everyone would be forced to buy the games thus, sales would be higher. But since we don't live in that world I guess you

Agreed and signed/ I like some of Apples's products but I am not blind to their short comings. I like the idea of the ipad, I just can't find a reason on why I need to buy one. Its a neat toy and I can see why it is so appealing to some but, to me it is just that a toy(an expensive one at that!). But the plus side is

Ah dam it your right! Kind of reminds me back in the day when every thing was labeled "Extreme". Pretty much everything had that on their packaging things like, doritos and mountain dew

Figured it had to end sooner or later for the big V I just didn't think it would be that soon! I say we just blame all the bandwidth hogs for everything that is going to happen.

If it was I would nerdgasm all over kotaku. But we can still dream! A small part of me still hope I may see dungeon keeper 3

They still could have brought a prepaid visa there is no age limit (none that I am aware of) now the paypal thing Im pretty sure you have to be 18

" 25% of people directly pirating the download" Really??!! Come on people it was for any price! If you were one of those 25% you are just a real piece of shit. That alone makes me feel embarrassed to call myself a pc gamer because people couldn't be bothered to donate even a dollar.

Never in a million years would I have thought they would have went that direction with it! Bravo guys! Bravo!

I have been trying for a while now to get the Mexican minifig and so far no luck. I even tried feeling the bag to see if I could feel the hat and still no luck! I must have him!

I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that!