
I think it would be cool if they did this with every major city on google maps then give me the ability to rain down destruction ala Simcity. So that way when I have one of those days where dealing with some of the people in this city I can go home and take it out on the virtual version of it!

The sad thing the ones that work the squad at my local best buy are idiots. I over heard them talking about "God Mode" in windows 7 I wanted to slap them for their stupidity.

The number one thing that annoys me the most is the dam Ads that cover the story at the top of the page! I understand the need for ads it pays the bills and keeps the site free. But dose it have to cover the dam story every time?!

Being the low man on the IT totem pole I have been designated help desk bitch and I would say 90% of the time it is user error and the rest of the time actual problems.

I'm a sad panda we don't have any Chik-Fil-A within the city limits of Chicago closest one is in the suburb of Orland park and seeing that I dont have a car and rely on public transportation to get to work and around town. That would be one expensive cab ride for some food!

@gigawings: EEW not just scary that was just plain creepy!

Dose anyone know how to clear the dam reply notification? I already viewed and responded to them but its still show I have 5 of them. I tried to give this new site a go but dam its just clunky, cluttered, ad filled mess going back to the

Not really its just sometimes their update break things or only make the problem they were trying to fix worse.

So now I wonder what is going to wipe us out first? Zombie Apocalypse or Robot uprising? Both maybe? Honestly as long as they don't make them sentient I'm cool with it but the minute I see a T1000 I'm breaking out the weapons and digging a bunker!

+1000 points for pulling a Macgyver! I would love to hear more stories on what common things people have used to pull something off that way I could fill my head with even more useless information!

Defiantly not my type of game I found myself just getting annoyed by the clip that was played.

Don't forget to add the endless hours wasted spawn camping to try and get past the first few levels.

@Avastmateys: expensive machines that more then likely were made by a company some politician has stake in or who is lobbied by.

@ME-4 12: Yeah but all it takes is one screw up and next thing you know some nut job is trying to take over the plane with a gun he /she should not have gotten through in the first place.

I would expect this from a Chinese software dev but Konami?

Oh Will Wright I gave up on you after that travesty called Spore! It had such huge potential and yet some how you let EA take it and kill what any potential it had. I will still love you for your past games of awesomeness but anything new of yours is going to be approached with caution from now on.

Oh Mystery Science theater how I miss you! Wasted many days watching you!

I don't find fault in these guys at all! No way in hell would I bomb unarmed civilians! Its one thing to bomb an invading enemy force, but your own people?

Maybe not flying cars but I could foresee a type of hover car or maybe something like how a mono rail works. I'm not an engineer so I don't know if its possible to use the same tech a mono rail uses except make it a road instead of a rail.

Sadly I did not see any of those movie! Man that is horrible I need to get out more!