
Yea, its almost like you’re an ass with no leg to stand on in your crusade. But hey, keep fucking that chicken Bob

That’s odd, seems like she had it prescribed and was using it before it was put on the banned list

And she’s won two matches already against higher seeds. So she must still be using and all her victories were because of the drug?

It’s always Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!!

These haters will be sleeping and Sharapova will demolish them all in what will be the biggest redemption and then Sharapova will put up an ad of herself being the toughest woman on planet earth who rose up above her mistakes and the forces trying to keep her down forever and wanting her to kill herself by trying to

I’m team Sharapova just because she’s pissing off the same pearl-clutchers that wail about purity in sport yet spill zero ink regarding all the ways this country club sport discriminates and nit-picks about stupid, inconsequential shit.

5 time grand slam champion > 5 in the world with no grand slams.

She kind of did. “The no. 5 in the world” Isn’t a first-person pronoun. it’s the ‘humble brag’ version of referring to yourself in the third-person.

I’m all for this. The more all the other tennis players hate Sharapova, the better a storyline this all becomes. If she makes it to the finals, the hype will be in full “Good vs. Evil” mode.

Yeah, whatever...

She’s not wrong. As a career Grand Slam champion, I think the world was waiting on pins and needles to hear what Caroline Wozniacki thinks about Open scheduling.

Ekaterina Makarova believes that Wozniacki does not deserve to be in the tournament any longer.