
Ok just watched it. So what am I missing exactly. that the grounders are actually sky people from polaris?

man I have to watch it again, I think I fell asleep in the last 15 min or so. I remember raven connecting to the ark network but I dont remember any big reveal. I was super duper tired last night. Luckily i can watch a bit on hulu at work teehhee

Come on I want it good but darn I wanted it this summer at least not next year.

wow horrible horrible

I hope not. I really like Jay and would be pissed if he was another baddy in disguise.

I Can’t ever read it because again you called the damn doctor a nurse> SHE IS NOT A NURSE SHES A DOCTOR. Doctor Denise thank you.;

IT WORKED. DOnt you talk bad about that. If JJ had fallen for him though then that would have been fucked.

Dig a deep deep deep whole and fill that crap with lead and cement and shit! He had him and he didnt even take him prisoner. Does he vanish and reappear when killed? I am so confused

Since we are getting no recaps I was getting annoyed with Magicians. Quentin is annoying I know but he pissed me off so much because he was showing no magic none nothing. Then by the end of the episode pulled that shit out. Penny is real good in the show, I really could do without Julia’s story line. For someone who

Thank you I never think to look there I will from now on.

I don’t know where else to complain about there not being any damn recaps but I miss my recaps. I miss meredith so bad now. They don’t have to be terribly smart but could we have some please! For FLASH and DCLOT would be nice, magicians, lucifer anything really.

Its has a lot more dark and gore then I thought it would. There were some genuine bleh reactions. There are also beautiful shots.

See this is why I like to binge watch I forget where I am at with half this stuff. Havent started colony. Behind on guilty teenage crap like the shannara and shadowhunters. I much rather watch the full season.

I just always find cloverfield so strange because the two dates it flips back and forth are my bday and my sisters bday. Mines the happy day where my sister is terror and destruction but I love the movie.!

YEAH FOR LEXA being back I was so worried they wrote her off! Interested to see the ice nation queen. Find it amazing everything with the lady rulers. Mom needs to be just a doctor for cripes sake and hell they can live in giant buildings but Sky people cant use mt weather???

I am excited for this now ! I loved him in Austenland and then on 100, he is well built and has that bad boy trying to make good thing down. I want more casting news.

I need a recap on the finally. They went to that house and everyone got sepereated. Sir Malcom so the dead, Sebene got locked in with the werewolf but I am blanking on what happened with Vanessa

What bothers me recently is how much the suits look alike. Like they took the same body and just colored it different and put different symbols on. Do they go to the same tailor for there suits?

God just you recapping it. I remember being so disturbed by it but can’t remember what was disturbing and you just summed it up thank you!

I really hope not I really miss even the listing recaps.