
Wow I knew that captain cold was in prison break never relised the other guy was his brother in it. They do have a great relationship. Would love to see them get together in a way but I think Cold deserves someone smarter.

When will it be started Im going to binge and forget probably.

I tried to get into it but it was a little to much CW in it for my liking.

Ah its alright I really want to see this I had no idea they were doing this. I heard there was going to be a young victoria show or mini series coming soon and I can’t wait for that. I love any monarchy mini series further in the past the better.

She is writen to look like that actually which is worse.

Really? I like the other actors but I hate Jim Cavizel I couldnt get past the pilot because of him. Is it worth slushing past him”? Does he get better? Reminds me of the Red hair guy from CSI acting style. Brain not worky so goody today

This picture is from the crap movie not the dumb tv show that I will end up watching.

But wasnt it written as YA books? I never picked them up because I never really heard that much great about them.

I feel like maybe there was a reason she shouldn’t be in the race. Not having read the books I am not sure but maybe women shouldn’t touch the tree? Who knows. Should like to watch wen they actually start off on the quest. I want a halfling though. Or a dwarf give me some shorties up in here.

well he is a god, gods don’t have nipples duh!

Are people tired of Marvel movies? I don’t think they are at all. Sure some don’t perform as high as others but they aren’t the big name or they have some shitty stories still wanna see them all..

A lot of people have great ideas like this. Either show the journey from Kylos perspective or to have someone from the light come from the dark. specially since Kylo came from the “light side” and went dark. Would love to see a solo movie where the dark guy was the hero.

Oh I believe them shoving it in and then some, probably a little inside trailer for suicide squad while there at it.

Well you do see those bug like drones in the trailer so could be those. And please I hope your theory is wrong that its earth. Fucking stay away from here jedi please.

It also confirms that the trader simon pegg plays is the one that takes Rey in her flashback. Harsh dude to leave her with. Ducain is also one of my favorite throw away names.

It also confirms that the trader simon pegg plays is the one that takes Rey in her flashback. Harsh dude to leave her with. Ducain is also one of my favorite throw away names.

Nope, Nope I found daredevil a bit boring on some levels but just nope I loved Jessica Jones. I even got my non nerd best friend into it.

If he wasn’t chewing he was whisper mumbling through and geez. It just wanted to be to much of one thing. They really know how to make a movie beautiful but damn it was all over the place so much stuff and trying to be a comedy every once and awhile.

Yeah I just wanted it to be fun like Guardians and it wasnt much fun. Till VIsion, Vision definetly was my fav part. Wish that quicksilver was more like xmen quicksilver.