
Oh my. LeBron looks like he is on a mission. Said mission includes single-handedly winning every game. I, as a Warriors fan, can’t deny that he is capable of doing it.
What a talent!

The only people who are forgiven for eating green bananas are the ones who are in a cage in a jungle where the ONLY food in reach is green bananas. And even they should be gently chastised upon achieving freedom.

“Steve, dude, I understand you’d been 3 weeks without food. But just ONE more day would have turned the

“As smoke billows from your hood”

Not smoke, unless you have OTHER problems. Steam would be the better word to use in this case, even though it is technically the condensing water vapor that you are seeing.

Thank god, those African ones have shit for airspeed velocity

All of those words, and not one of them is Islam or religion, the real reasons she can’t run outside. Way to go, feminist!

“a necessarily complex system of laws and procedures”