
I had a similar experience, and it may be normal, but it’s not nearly everyone’s experience. I graduated HS in 1984, and I can tell you that seeing my kids’ experience in HS and how hard it was for a teen to find a job today as opposed to in my day was quite enlightening. In fact, these two very bright, responsible

With Alex Caan, that’s exactly the way these things work in Hollywood. Nepotism will get you to the front of the line. (not that that’s a good excuse, but its the way it works)

Our country is systematically racist.

It’s quite disappointing. That’s the fucking story!

And from many accounts, she was the aggressor, which makes him the victim. But nobody’s even talking about that.

Yep. I now have a new favorite website.

see the forth comment down by EatBigSea.

You must be a real asshole to take the time and make that useless comment.


I remember driving past Chillicothe and wondering how anyone could live there. It makes much more sense to me that you live in NYC. I’m on the opposite side of the country - Portland Oregon.

You live in Ohio?! I’m a longtime fan of your posts and never imagined you living in Ohio. I’m from Xenia (which I get made fun of whenever anyone knows about it), where are you at?

I’m a nice person in general, but I am always very nice to my servers for this very reason.  

Yes it does.

Well to be fair, being their parent is all it takes to embarrass your child.

sobbing into my vodka right now.

I love you.

Completely OT, but I never realized just how hot your user picture is, until I went to follow you. me-ow!

That’s probably a better response than my suggestion of a rim job...

Get in there girl! Roll ‘im over and give him a rim job! You both may be pleasantly surprised.

I could have written this response. (except my dad is now dead). Cheers to stellar step-dads!