
That’s what I thought. But I don’t have employees who probably put the fire out before they go to bed.

Please don’t ever mention Jeff Sessions and my favorite cookie ever.

I actually worked on a movie he was in many years ago, and he was absolutely beautiful in real life (before years of drinking/drugging). He opened a door for me once, which I thought was nice, but he also spent over $10,000 on a whim to have him and a bunch of his friends to go ride motorcyles somewhere fancy (I

My sister had the Shaun Cassidy crush - which automatically lowered him to dork status in my eyes.

Yeah, I always thought I liked natural guys, but that’s a little much!

This should be the only comment here.

To each his own.

I thought of that when I posted, but I don’t think airbrushing can hold a candle to the powers of photoshop. (I had a senior photo that was airbrushed - it is nothing like photoshop)

Yeah, it was kind of frustrating, because I felt like I was pretty good (I was an excellent jammer!), but because I couldn’t nail everything (and I was older, and not part of the cool clique) I could just never get to the next level. A lot of skaters went to near(ish) cities to play because it was so much easier to

Nice! I actually never made it off Fresh Meat for Rose City Rollers. (I was over 40 when I started and just didn’t have the dedication of a lot of the other players). It was still so much fun!

I actually had the suede ones - blue with yellow stripes! My sister had the boot style ones and swore they were better, but she was no trendsetter. (I did roller derby later in life and decided she was right)

That sounds amazing! I had pink satin shorts with baby blue piping and a matching top - I used to wear them to the skating rink.

Oh, got it! (I’m going to use the “I’m old” excuse for not thinking that through)

He’s got nothing on Leif.

Someone bought that playgirl for my Mom as a joke, and my friends and I snuck peaks whenever we could. Educational!

You must not have been an adolescent in the 70's. I sewed myself satin shorts, satin shirts, and saved up all of my allowance for a satin jacket. Classy!

I’m printing that Leif one...

That poster had the star spot in my bedroom when I was 10. It made me feel funny. In a good way.

Leif Garrett! (who ended up having a pretty fucked up life)

There was no photoshop in the 70's!