
I've been a Harris fan since the first Sookie novel, but I have to say I didn't really enjoy the Harper series too much. I didn't really find either main characters very likable or interesting. Harper spent most of the time whining and freaking out if Tolliver wasn't right beside her and Tolliver was just boring.

So basically, you rocked out with Favre's cock out? Awesome article and stunt. Kudos!

@Peter Nincompoop: Hell, they probably would have had the same reaction if he showed them a picture of Ron Jeremy's dick. "Tee hee! Mine's bigger!" Sure it is.

@Ashaleeeee: Thank you! Me neither. Underwear goes under, right? ;-)

@Nell_fersher: So you are supposed to wear underwear under them? I was a cheerleader for one semester in middle school and I was always laughed at for wearing my underpants under my spanky pants. Of course, maybe I shouldn't have worn white granny panties, but still? Spanky pants alone and flipping around? Nope. I'll

@BarbarianLibrarian: Don't forget the most important - HAVE SEX. Lots and lots of sex. Wasn't Edward a 90 year old virgin or something? Explains a lot.

@Stunspot: Thank you! I don't know why Uncle Owen didn't bitchslap that boy with all his talk of power converters at the Toshi Station. Hmmm, maybe Aunt Beru served Luke blue milk because he was a whiny-ass?

@geesejuggler: Secreths and lieths will only make you doomed to repeat the past. ;-) Lana HATES secreths and lieths!

I absolutely love how Dean refuses to trust the Campbells. Even when he finally handed over the baby, did ya notice that he gave it to Sam, who then gave it to Grandpa? This is Dean, Grandpa. Prove yourself trustworthy or GTFO.

Since I'm a lowly gray, I'll not wade into the many debates this girl and this post have caused.

@willwriteforfood: Heh. I'm going to try out that line at the next Thanksgiving throw-down with the family ;-)

@mandabear: I swear on my entire Buffy collection that it's true. However, you have to scratch it. I don't know why, but that's the key.

@beetlemier: And my 2 Cylons, Natalie 6 and Caprica 6:

@Dresan: But didn't that awful woman do the experiments secretly? Oooh, and she let her experiment kill her at the end so she would definitely fit on this list.

@m.loraine.slimp: He was my favorite character from the very beginning of Dollhouse.

@pris_stratton: Good to know that I'm not alone in my choice. Thank you so much, that's really reassuring. So hearted!

@Dora_NYC: Exactly! Of course, I have reasons why I didn't want to but I don't think they matter. I even almost mentioned them during my original comment, and thought, no way, I don't have to explain to anyone. I just didn't want to.