
@Pseudonymph: Oh well, we would have been miserable anyway according to Eminem, right? ;-)

@Delta Sierra: Wow - thank you! You should go into cat whispering or something.

@Delta Sierra: This is how we do it as well. Does your cat pull her legs up into a ball when you do this? I swear mine get their back legs up to their necks and look like furry hats that I'm getting ready to dunk.

@serendous: Mine leave vomit spots for me to find like they think it's a fun treasure hunt for me to figure what in the hell they got into and ate this time.

@lavardera: HA! Good one! Just watched Wolverine again and could not get that joke out of my head.

@orphanjannie: My edit button hasn't worked for a few days either. The pencil just sits there mocking me and my three a's in the word because.

@LeRollingStoner: I replied above. But thank you for the fascinating insight. I clarified that statement from my original comment in my reply to greydove:

@agent.wasabi: Awww, thank you. Every parent loves to hear that! We just don't like to admit it.

@greydove: Yes, but he in no way, shape, or form has the influence that he used to.

Oh fuck you, Eminem.

How bad of a mother are you when you abuse your daughter's ICE CREAM CARD until they take it away?

@Awry: HA! I hate laughing because the poor boy is going through the hell of puberty, but that's really funny. The Earth rumbles and then the dogs start howling at him. That cannot be helpful.

@Nell_fersher: Well then we can never get you and my husband in the same room together. It would sound like Barry White and a helium addict getting it on, which would just be...odd. ;-)

@so_it_goes: Heh. I'm an grumpy archer. I throw little comments from across the room so he can only hear the last part.

@so_it_goes: I kinda like it when it happens becaause then I can't be mad anymore.

@The HZA.: We would so be hanging out at Fangtasia and The Bronze if they were real. We would be the stupid humans ;-)