
@Scout: I'm 34 and have been trying to get a hysterectomy for several years. I have 3 kids and severe endimetriosis. The way they've stopped me from getting one started with - you're too young. (hello! first kid at 18 - I started early). Then it was that I might want more kids. Um, no that almost happened and since

These songs make me want to kick my husband in the balls and stride all bad-ass out of the house.

She looks like Willy Wonka. And after reading snugbug's comment, I see she acts like him as well. :-)

@agirlnamedstewart: No kidding! Then she'll be allowed to join in with all the reindeer games.

@Marla Singer: I have an itunes playlist named "HURT". Does that count?

@la.donna.pietra: My daughters' once had a big ass roach in their room one night and I took them out, barricaded the door, and my sister had to come over to kill it. Not a very good lesson to my girls but I really don't care. Can't handle those horrible nasty fast icky things.

Morrison and the reporter can kiss my (often spread - according to them) ass.

Just wanted to throw a thanks out to all the commenters that mentioned 'Children of Men'. You piqued my interest and I am so glad you did. Finally watched it and was stunned. An excellent movie all around - hubby summed it up best - "OK, now that was intense."

@BinderClip: I can see your point but I really don't think that this is a reason to knock Jezebel because of the coverage. It was an article based on speculation that's all.

@BinderClip: Ya know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I don't get all the "NO SPECULATION ALLOWED!!!" that's been going around. Of course people are going to speculate. So no articles should be written until the autopsy? I understand not agreeing with the TMZ "she died from teh drugs" before it was confirmed that


@Penny: This. I almost slid back on Saturday night (been away for about 4 months - we were "weekend warriors"). Wasn't able to get any and then woke up to this news. Not saying that's what happened to her but...yeah. I don't know how the actresses that do coke ever get off of it. I don't think I would be able to in

@ytuhermanotambien: Yeah, about the only way that would happen with me is if someone took a picture of me with a just-broken foot.

@Leucadia: If I could reach you from down here, I'd be really really mad.