“Lose my number.”
“Lose my number.”
Zoe Quinn getting a cameo in XI is something I never knew I wanted until now.
Isn’t it a little ridiculous to complain about a Mary Sue in a film franchise where the original director literally named the protagonist after himself?
You have the right username for your priorities, but need to change your avatar to a half naked 12 year old anime girl to really sell this.
I don’t get obsessive nerd culture, no. I know it exists, but I think it is often unhealthy, entitled, and way out of hand. Especially negative obsessive nerd culture.
Me can confidently say it applicable in every instance.
So gin?
Yeah, I’ll be honest....I question the sanity of anyone who makes 5 hours of video critiquing a 2.5 hour movie.
Hence why they voted for IQ 45.
I hope the Trump people are paying attention to this stuff. If Trump isn’t careful, he won’t have a chance of carrying New York OR California in 2020.
the people i work with are of the opinion that they don’t try all that hard- china has a relatively small but financially important grey market of tech companies and people in sales and manufacturing that either aren’t official business’s or are moving around the country but still need to be able to communicate with…
i do a lot of work over there and they are not. they will occasionally cause temporary disruptions but they don’t last very long before the VPN maker’s update. you do have to pay for the services though- the free ones don’t really work.
Be free!
The main problem with this point is, most working-class voters did not vote for Trump, and the majority of people who did vote for him were middle-class or richer:
Bullshit. Pure, unmitigated horse crap. They didn’t vote for Trump because they thought he could help them, they voted for Trump because they thought (rightly) that he would punish the people they hated. They don’t want someone to throw them a life preserver, they’re just happy to see women and minorities tied to an…
The state of the country wouldn’t include kiddie koncentration kamps. The U.S. would not have backed out of some very important world organizations. Our relationships with long-standing allies would not be as shaky or all but fucked. I mean... come the fuck on. She's a corporatist for sure and that's not great but…
Do...you think an hour has 100 minutes?